Parting your hair

Do people have a “natural” part on one side or the other? That is, will the hair part more easily one one side rather than the other?
Though I am right-handed, some haircutters tell me the part is on my right side. (Left-handers are few and far between in my family.)

My hair parts down the middle. No matter what I do to it, it winds up parted right down the middle. I don’t know about any correlation between handedness and hair parts. I’m ambidextrous though, so a natural part down the middle would actually make sense.

I’m righthanded, and my hair parts itself just slightly to the left of center.

And lest anyone ask, that is not a reflection of my political inclination. :smiley:

When I was a kid, I always asked my mother to put a ‘curb’ in my hair, and the part was mostly on the left. When I was a freshman in HS, I wanted a change, and started with parting the hair on the other side. Later I shaved my head, and now have no part, whatsoever.

My hair is also parted down the middle. When I was younger it was parted on one side, which side I don’t remember, but as I started to grow my hair longer, my bangs kept getting in my eyes. So one summer I was doing a lot of swimming and I never combed my hair after getting out of the water. Well the girls like the way it looked so it stayed. When your 13-14 years old and the girls start to notice you you try to do any thing to please them.
I guess its kind of a natural part and my hair is not in my eyes so I kept it.

My hair naturally parts down the middle, which is more evident when it’s shorter. This is especially evident when you look at pictures of me from last year around this time or from graduation roughly a year and a half ago.

Right down the middle, no matter what I try & make it do. And I’m right handed.

Exactly what Carina said.

I think sometimes it can depend on where the (what do you call it?) “swirl” is. My 5 year old has a swirl that is far over one one side, so her hair falls much more easily to one side than to the other.

I like to switch my part every so often. I get bored easily.

Well now that my head is shaved except for the bangs, I don’t have a part, but when I do have hair, nothing on earth will make it part anywhere but dead center.

Mine parts on the left, no matter what I do. When I first grew my hair long, I grew my fringe out & so usually tied my hair back. It started out straight back, but by part way through the day, had migrated to being parted. I gave up on the long fringe…
Right handed, although I shuffle & deal cards left handedly.

I have a definite part on the left combined with a natural wave that means I have no choice, I’m also right handed.


Gosh, it FEELS like just left of center, but I’m told that it’s dead center. See website. Whatever

Perfectly straight hair that insists on parting on the left. Lots of people here seem to have left-handed hair, so to speak.

Mine parts on the left, too. I’m right handed.

I think mine is pretty much in the center too.

I hate to different.

My hair is fairly long, very straight and all one length. It naturally parts on the right side and I am right handed.

20 years ago, the part was on the right. Now, it’s about 3 inches wide, right down the middle. I blame my father for that.

But at least it’s not turning grey. It’s too proud to do that - it would rather jump off first, I think…

And I’m strongly left-handed.