Parts in movies that make you cringe

“I don’t like sand. It’s coarse and rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere. Not like here. Here everything’s soft… and smooth…” :smack:

Best. speech. ever (or at least, top 10). “…I didn’t THINK so.”

Just1Lurk…just one of those synchronicitous kinda days.

God, two pages of this thread, and no one’s mentioned Chinatown?

Has anyone ever watched that movie without covering their nose with their hand?

Ichi the Killer. That was the only movie that ever made me really, really sick. You can watch the trailer off of the website. The Guardian Unlimited considers it to be “A strong contender for the sickest movie of all time” but I think it is number 1.

With all the Kill Bill references, I forgot to mention my cringe-worthy scenes:

Vol 1 – despite all the over-the-top ultra-violence, it’s the Bride biting off her assailant’s lip that gets me.

Vol 2 – stepping on Elle Driver’s eyeball. Plucking it out is one thing…oogy, but ok; stepping on it…gak. Can’t watch.

In The Pianist when the Nazis ordered an old man in a wheelchair to stand up, but he can’t, so they throw him off a three or four story building.

Kyla brought up another one I wanted to mention… that upward slice of Jack Nicholson’s nose. ARGH! And I don’t even like him. :frowning:

When the horse jumped overboard in The Ring. Poor, poor thing.

Any scenes where someone is in the road and they get slammed by a car. The ‘thud’ sound alone makes me shiver.

Marathon Man, the scene with the Bazi dentist “Is it safe?”. It still makes me cringe.
Kathy Bates and the sledgehammer in Misery. First time I saw it I pulled my feet back so hard I almost smacked my head with my own knees.
Simon Phoenix gouging out the eyeball with a pencil in Demolition Man.
Total Recall, where Arnold pulls that humungous metal thing out of his nose. I’ve heard of brain ticklers, but come on!

Sorry, I meant Nazi dentist. Typo.