Pastor urinates on woman during flight

Flight To Las Vegas Lord works in mysterious ways.

At least he was not with 2 hookers at his church.

“Chalmers said he would release a statement clarifying what happened on his website soon.”

What’s he going to say? “I got drunk, took a sleep med on top of it and that naturally led to my mistaking a female passenger for a urinal”?

He’d be better off claiming Satan made him do it.

That would be worse? I guess, to me, it would depend on whether or not the sex workers could be considered to have given meaningful consent. Apart from that aspect, I don’t see how that would be worse than peeing on a sleeping, non-consenting stranger.

As I like to say, if you want to truly understand Christianity, sometimes you have to ignore all the ‘Christians’ that you know because you’ll find bad and sometimes abhorrent behavior amongst all of us. We are all human, dontchaknow! :slightly_smiling_face:

As a kid I remember a time when I got up out of bed in the middle of the night to pee. Walked to the bathroom and the toilet and was peeing just to wake up in my bed that I just wet. I was doubly ‘pissed’ about this because I made the decision and effort to get out of bed and walk to the bathroom to pee.

So under such mediation yes I can see that could happen.

He might have better luck blaming it on Ambien if he had hollered 'the power of Christ compels thee!" while it was happening.

The female passenger is probably now pathogen free and can expect a longer life … what with her having been pasteurized and all.

It’ll be interesting to see what he says. I’m sure he’ll consult with lawyers before such statement.

Here’s his website, for “Love Ministries” – Stay tuned, folks.

Interestingly, as I was typing in the search terms to find that site, as I was entering daniel chalmers pastor… Google filled in popular search strings and one of the top ones was daniel chalmers pastor net worth.

Yeah, it figures. I’m sure people are curious about that.

Was the woman holding a urinal cake on her lap?

You may not have seen recent coverage of that exact incident, and the thread here about it. Yes, the sex workers were consenting; the two of them, along with the priest, were arrested on indecency charges, because they were visible through the church’s door.

Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase “Peace on you,” doesn’t it?

And some rather bizarre sleepwalking behavior is a known side effect of Ambien in some people.

The Sharing of the Peace. :slight_smile:

Also, sprinkling of holy water.

An interview with the passenger by local authorities produced the following exchange:

Q: “Ma’am, would you say that the liquid that was raining down on you, and awakened you, was particularly warm ?”

A: “No. More like Ambien temperature.”

The “Ambien made me do it” defense has a checkered history, but has worked for some people, including two separate Kennedy family members.*

It didn’t especially help Roseanne Barr.

*Patrick Kennedy, a former Congressman, crashed his car into a barricade in D.C. one night in 2006, appeared intoxicated, but was taken home without a field sobriety test being done. Later he blamed the Ambien and Phenergan he’d been taking (he had a history of cocaine and alcohol abuse, but nope, it had to be the prescription drugs).

This happened to R.E.M. guitarist Peter Buck in April 2001; had it happened 6 months later, it quite likely would have cost him his life.

I heard about it while driving to work the next day, and the DJ said, “This is not Ozzy.”

The guy was in an unusual environment, took an unusual (for him) but common medication, had a side effect of unusual dreams, could not distinguish a urinal from a passenger with his eyes shut. It was a perfect storm, and based on my analogous experiences could have happened to me. But since I am not a pastor nor a Florida Man, it would have passed unremarked.

That’s what she said.

…and had a reported breath alcohol concentration of .175, over twice the legal limit.

Update: the Peeing Pastor is being sued for $2 million by his victim, which seems a wee excessive. But she’s just looking out for #1.

Her lawyer is, naturally, Geoffrey Fieger.