Pat Buchanan: "Breivik may be right"

Does the Tea Party even care about immigration? It’s never mentioned on their rally-signs, or in the “Contract from America.”

Fittingly, given that his brain probably fits in a tea bag easily enough…

Let’s see, we’re in the Pit now chen, baby… Checking the list on verboten expressions… Ah screw it.

You got a hell of a lot of nerve showing up here under these circumstances.

RaleighRally may be our anointed profet of impending doom through Cultural Marxism, but all along you’ve been right there backing him up with fraudulent statistics. You’ve been pushing that very same bullshit conspiracy theory that the norwegian monster man specifically pointed to as justification as to why it was o.k. - even right - for him to casually take aim at, shoot and kill some seventy teenagers.

You, chen, are a little snivelling Grima Wormstail spinning sophistry, always too much of a coward to dare fight on the frontlines yourself. A covert racist pure and simple, but worse - a premeditated online advocate for racism. You disgust me, frankly.

A few words about the blogger that you’re consistently using as support for your “critique” of contemporary western immigration policies (e.g. allowing non-european immigrants on humanitarian grounds)…

The guys name is Tino Sanandaji and he is a Swedish-Kurdish Phd-student. Like you, he’s an outspoken opponent of non-european immigration.

He’s also a promoter of the Cultural Marxism conspiracy theory, according to which a cabaal of “Cultural Marxists” have secretely infected western culture with values like tolerance and multiculturalism (as documented here). That makes you, RaleighRally, Pat Buchanan and Breivik the massmurderer fellow travelers, so to speak.

But there’s more. When we first ran into each-other in RaleighRally’s thread you started off by linking to and pulling stats from Sanandajis blog about the level of unemployment among non-european immigrants in Sweden. I checked them out and found that they were not only incorrect but way off base, bordering on fraudulent. I pointed that out to you and waited for you to acknowledge and retract. But that never happened. Instead you just kept on posting new links to Sanandajis blog, pretending nothing happened. After a while you did acknowledge that yes I had “corrected” your data but you found no apparent problem with that or with using Sanandaji as a source.

Seeing you here once again using that very same blog to promote your xenophobic agenda and without giving everyone a fair warning about the prior observed sloppiness of Phd-student and conspiracy nut Tino Sandaji - that speaks volumes.

That tells me that we dont have to assume good faith from you chen and we dont have to hear you out. You’ve shown poor judgement. In fact shown yourself to revel in it.

Well, I must commend you on hiding your knowledge so well for these past several years. You come off as just another strongly opinionated, half-educated run-of-the mill ignoramus with a extraordinary urge to start threads…and all this time you’ve had all this great knowledge! Well, the cat’s out of the bag now, BG. I look forward to your future posts all atingle.

And, yes, I noticed how you took a pass on my other question. I can’t tell you how shocked I was.

In the form of Muslim immigrants in Europe?! That would be no more a spectacular clash than Jews coming to America in the late 19th Century. They ain’t an invasion force. They’re not taking orders from some majlis of mullahs back home. They’re fucking immigrants, they want good jobs and someplace to live that isn’t a desert.

Buchanan wouldn’t know a sweeping view of history or a grasp of world events if it crawled up his ass and died. I noticed you took a pass at commenting on his view that WW2 was caused by the British, that Danzig would have been Hitler’s last territorial demand, and that the Holocaust wouldn’t have happened if the British hadn’t caused the war. All this despite a mountain of evidence provided by Hitler himself laying out his belief that the German people needed lebensraum to expand into, and the only place for them to get it was to take it from the subhumans in the East, namely Poland and Russia. That and he was looking for a Final Solution to the Jewish Question. You might want to take a look at Generalplan Ost, which called for the extermination or expulsion of 45 million people from Eastern Europe to make way for 8-10 million German colonists. Again, Buchanan is a fucktard of the highest order and understands jack shit about history.

Covert ?! Man, I hate to imagine what overt racists are like where you live :slight_smile:

Oh, the irony. It would burn if it didn’t move one to tears.

Anyway, chen, get in the pig.

No thanks, but perhaps Pat Buchanan does.

You can’t put Pat Buchannan and Hunter Thompson in the same sentance. it’s just wrong. Oh, crap, I just did it. At least Thompson was a brilliant writer and stoned most of the time.

Yes, all that Mohammed Bouyeri wanted was a good job and a nice place to live. And to stab Theo Van Gogh to death.

(Actually I would concede that your typical Muslim immigrant to Europe is probably not trying to set up “Eurabia.” The problem is that these folks tend to be sympathetic to the more radical ones. So it’s not outrageous to predict that the growth of Muslim populations in Europe will lead to a major clash. )

[shrug] Any large immigrant population is gonna have a lot of bad apples, even a criminal element. There is nothing bad you can say about Muslim immigrants today that could not, at one time, have been truly said of Irish or Italian or Polish or Jewish or Chinese immigrants. That does not mean letting them into the country was unwise.

  1. “These folks” meaning what? 10%, 20%, 30%? A majority of european muslim immigrants are sympathetic to Takfiri Salafism? Don’t think so.

  2. “Be[ing] sympathetic” in the same way that Grandpa Pat, Glenn Beck, Bill O’Reilly, half the writers @The NRO Corner, RaleighRally, Chen (even… you, Brazil?) are “sympathetic” to the worldview and the ends of one Anders Breivik - if not necessarily to the means?

Well, sounds to me that what we need to get rid of then is the preachers of intolerance in both camp Christiana and camp Muhammed. The only way to do that is unfortunately to steadfastly show the superiority of tolerance, by (wait for it)… being tolerant!

Yes, and Jeffery Dahmer just wanted to eat some nice young men. He didn’t need to be an immigrant to be a cannibal and a monster.

What’s your point? That all immigrants are going to create crime problems? That doesn’t seem to be the experience seen in large cities.

Sure, I could judge all Germans by the single example of Hitler. Or Russians by Stalin. Or Americans by John Wayne Gacy. But that’s a crappy way to judge an entire group of people.

Who are some Jews in the Netherlands who have murdered Dutch people for simply criticizing Judaism? I can’t think of any offhand. And Jews have been in the Netherlands for hundreds of years.

No, that there are certain aspects of Islamic culture which are very aggressive and intolerant and that Muslim immigrants seem to be bringing these ideas with them to Europe. I myself am optimistic that these Muslims will grow up. However, it is troubling that the individual I named above was born in Amsterdam.

I can’t give you that but I’m sure you know about the King David terrorist bombing by Irgun which killed 91 people. That doesnt mean that all jews were responsible for those lives. The Irgun were.

And you know what? That point stands even if it happens to be a fact that the guy that was the leader of the Irgun at the time then went on to found the Likud party and subsequently was elected prime minister of Israel.

Can we put them in the Death Camp of Tolerance?! Can we?! :slight_smile:

Which ones? How many are they? You’ll need to try and quantify that if you don’t want to sound like a guy who’s willing to convict the many for the sins of the few.

Additional point: There are already “very aggressive” individuals who are native europeans. There are already native europeans who are “intolerant”.

I don’t know if you’re european or american or whatever, brazil, but you strike me as quite intolerant. Sorry, but that’s just how I feel. I don’t think I have to justify feeling that way anymore than you’ve justified your characterizations of “muslim immigrants” in the aggregate.

Does your apparent intolerance, then, mean that we’re quite justified in kicking you out?

:dubious: Let’s stick to RL here and avoid completely implausible spy-thriller plots, shall we?


Oh, if only the yoke of political correctness weighed as heavy on the shoulders of bigots in real life as it does in the fictional world of South Park!

My favorite episode will forever remain “Scott Tenorman must die”, though :slight_smile: