"Paul" , I loved this movie!

Last Tuesday my wife and I went to see " Paul". It was great. We actually laughed out loud,(yes I know that’s an overused statement), during much of the movie. It was well written, and acted. It is by the same people who created " Shaun of the Dead". Both writing and acting. I am relatively new to the SDMB, but have lurked for years. I think this movie would appeal to Many Dopers.

I’m looking forward to this one. I love Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. Check out Hot Fuzz when you have a chance. It is pee-your-pants funny.

I enjoyed it, definitely.

Paul was great. Although for some reason I kept expecting him to don the Green Hornet mask.

liked it but didn’t love it. seemed a bit cliche especially compared to Shaun o’ Dead and Hot Fuzz, or even Run Fatboy Run (very rom-com cliche-y). i appreciated the references but other than that, and a star-studded cast, i wasn’t terribly impressed. i’d give it a 6.5/10. (for reference, i’d give “Just Go With It” - the Sandler/Decker/Aniston vehicle a 6/10).

But not directing, and I think that makes all the difference, for while SotD and HF used meta-humor as a starting point, they were both really cheeky subversions of familiar genres. But I found Paul all-meta, with very little else to offer. Sure, it had some funny moments, but it felt so slight and so threadbare, just barely held together by Inside-Jokes and Wink-wink references, that I found the whole thing a bit tedious after a while. Not bad, but certainly a step down from the previous Pegg/Frost outings.

I liked it quite a bit as well! I laughed out loud several times and nearly peed my pants waiting for a dull bit to go to the bathroom, then there wasn’t one.