Paypal Scam going 'round

I just received an email that looked very, very legit, supposidly from Paypal. It had the colors and everything, including a little blurb at the bottom like you usually find in official emails. It asks for your bank info, PIN (for verification), and your SS#. The addy it was sent from even reads as

I’ve reported it, but who knows if it’ll ever be stopped, so I’m just trying to get the word out…

Hell, it probably WAS from PayPal - the biggest scam artists on the internet.

I’m very very wary with PayPal now; the other day I sent a payment to someone who had the Paypal payment stuff embedded into his own web page; I couldn’t bring myself to trust it this way, so I went direct to Paypal and sent it from there.

Yeah, I got something like that yesterday, asking for “information.” I checked the headers and it obviously didn’t come from Paypal.

There was a link, but I think they screwed it up. I reported them to Paypal and my ISP.

There was a recent thread in the pit about this. No big deal, Just keep your eyes open.

sailor, thank you, I never visit the Pit, and I had no idea a thread had been started about it. Looks like I need to start popping in every now and then…

It’s common to embed a Paypal button in a website – Paypal provides personalized buttons for merchants. Easy to tell if it’s a scam, too – if the website it takes you to doesn’t start with, quit right there.

I’ve had nothing but good experiences with Paypal, personally.


I just got lit up by this one, even after reading this thread. . .

I input only my e-mail address and credit card number, thinking it was the real site, and got a 404 Message. butrscotch, thanks for the heads up. I immediately put my credit card on hold and tagged it with a new password, just to be sure. . .

And I thought I was a veteran 'Net surfer. . .

Show you how much I know. . .

I have to ask the question though. . .

Did anyone ever get an e-mail to fax information in?

I may have fallen for that one. :mad: Although, my information will change soon enough anyhow. . .

The benefits of moving every two years. :smiley: