Peeing after sex

Yes! I also suffer with grienspace’s Syndrome. You can’t imagine the tremendous relief I am feeling reading that this happens to other guys because it happens to me all the time. I’ve been to various urologists about this over the years to no avail and even a cystoscopy turned up nothing. I’ve been presribed everything from antibiotics to Flomax to relax the muscles around the bladder, but nothing has ever worked. Anyone that can shed any light on this would be my personal God!

But if you don’t, you could blame it on the person next to you!
And it’d be warm for a minute!
And if it’s a big bed, you can roll over!

HA! I knew I didn’t do it :smiley:

Love ya Smooshypumpkin!

I believe that’s called “flooding the cave” think it was mentioned in The Kama Sutra not sure why I remembered that…:confused:

I’ve been afflicted with grienspace’s Syndrome myself. I hate that sensation so much that although I have only experienced it a few times, every time I urinate after orgasm I pray I do not get it. IANAD, but my personal method for prevention is to minimize sex on a full bladder. So unless you’re into really marathon sessions you can give your system time to switch back to pee mode before you feel the urge to go. What I mean is that evertime I have gotten the dreaded grienspace’s Syndrome it has been a result of the first urination after orgasm. Best I can figure is that urination shortly after orgasm can cause some part of your urinary tract gets stuck in the “on” position. When I do get it I found it’s best to resist the urge to dribble and just tighten up and drink water untill you know you’re full of course YMMV. I’d love to hear a more scientific explaination (and remedy) for this, cause it is REALLY not fun.

grienspace’s syndrome can be fixed with a bit of masturbation.


well, it can!

I had a girlfriend many years ago who once casually remarked that she’d read that urination during sex was the “highest compliment” a woman could give a lover, because it meant she’d been sent for such a loop that bladder control went out the window. After that, her orgasms always made me feel a litle bit anxious, since I’d had an idea she had been trying to brace me for something. A groundless fear, as it turned out, but once that seed of “Is she gonna pee this time?” had been planted, it was a persistent distraction.

I too have experienced grienspace’s syndrom. I always just thought that the sperm got stuck, and I was peeing them out sideways. It’s a sit down job, 'cause aim is not sure at particular moment.

IMHO, the phenomenon herein described as grienspace’s syndrome is probably due to a mix of sexual secretions being forced slightly up the urethra during intercourse. This tends to be unnoticed during the moment, but causes a little irritant urethritis after the fact (not to be confused with infectious urethritis). Urinating generally relieves it, and it resolves in less than a day. The male urethra being significantly longer than the female, this does not result in a male bladder infection.

I have no cites for this, but I seem to remember learning this somewhere in my career. I’m too lazy and fragmented to look it up now.

Hope that helped, Henk!

Qadgop the Mercotan

You may be on right track, but the details don’t match very well. It comes on within minutes; urinating doesn’t relieve it at all (there is an associated urge to urinate, but doing so actually worsens it); and it resolves completely within an hour or so. I still go with the theory of some kind of muscle spasm in the area of bladder, bladder outlet, upper urethra, prostate, whatever.

Qadgop the Mercotan

You may be on the right track, but the details don’t match very well. It comes on within minutes; urinating doesn’t relieve it at all (there is an associated urge to urinate, but doing so actually worsens it); and it resolves completely within an hour or so. I still go with the theory of some kind of muscle spasm in the area of bladder, bladder outlet, upper urethra, prostate, whatever.

Oops, sorry: could the moderator remove the duplicate?

Reasons my gf isn’t here and doesn’t want to be here at the SDMB…

Well, ray I think your symptoms may be somewhat different from some of the others described here. The distal urethral irritation described in the OP matches my scenario better than your symptoms do.

Doubtless more research needs to be done!

Qadgop, ray’s speaking of the symptoms noted in grienspace’s post. It’s not always a result of intercourse-in fact, it often can occur after masturbation, where there is no chance of sexual fluid from another being forced up the urethra.

I’d say the sensation is more of an ache instead of an irritation. For me, at least, urinating helps, but only briefly, and generally, there’s not enough urine in the bladder to trigger the brain telling the body it’s time to void. It’s dribbles only. I have noticed that it does only happen after drinking for a few hours, and I’ve also noticed that taking a warm bath can help sometimes (hey, I’m drunk when it happens, everything sounds like a good idea). So I’m thinking that perhaps it’s some sort or muscle spasm somewhere in the genitals.

Thanks for coming in here Qadgop. I haven’t been called Henk since kindergarten :slight_smile: For those who are not aware, Qadgop is a physician.

I’m with raygirvan and Flypsyde to a T. The focus of the OP is merely an urge to pee after sex . Grienspace’s Syndrome involves acute discomfort and is completely over in an hour or two. the questions I have is why does it only happen after heavy drinking? Could it be that it has nothing to do with drinking per se, but ejaculating with a full bladder? Ive wondered that the cause could be some sort of nerve rupture due to orgasmic overload. Considering the brevity of the discomfort I’ve ruled out actual physical damage and thus considered as well that the discomfort is actually some sort of temporary malfunction of the brain involving sensory perception brought on by the debilitating effects of alcohol.

It’s not just drinking alcohol that triggers the feeling, its drinking anything. This is where I differ from grienspace. If I have anything in my bladder at all when I ejaculate (whether it be by sex or masturbation), I will almost inevitably experience grienspace’s syndrome.

I totally agree with Flypside, taking a warm bath definitely helps. Mostly because it helps to coax out a little squirt or dribble of pee that offers momentary relief. I once had sex in an airplane bathroom (don’t judge me) after having two ginger ales and two minutes later I was back in the same bathroom spooning warm water onto the tip of my penis trying to gain some relief. Try explaining that to your girlfriend. Or the flight attendant.

Raygirvan is dead on as well. It happens within minutes of ejaculating. It is mostly a sensation (mostly right in the tip of the penis) of having to pee really badly but when you go to pee, very little come out and it only offers relief from the sensation for a few seconds. The feeling usually goes away within an hour or so.

I have a feeling that it has to do with muscle spasm as well. I have to take very mild diazepam (valium) in certain situations to combat a particularly viscious phobia I have (don’t judge me) and I’ve noticed that the valium eases and sometimes stops the occurence of grienspace’s syndrome.

We’re really off the OP here, but I think this is an important discussion.

This is a hazard when Dopers marry…even when they have their own computers! Can’t ask relationship advice, can’t whine about each other, can’t blame the other when someone pees the bed…

Well, if I have to bother to read the thread to figure out what’s going on before posting erudite commentary on it, my post count will not climb nearly so fast!

I have no idea what you guys are suffering from, but you have my sympathy. How’s that?

Glad I was able to take you back to your childhood, grienspace. Actually I’d just spoken to my uncle Henk the other day, so it stuck in my mind. Henk is the default setting in my mind for Hollanders.

Peeing AND washing are a good idea after sex. I know that sounds a little bit prissy, but …

However, when women who squirt (like moi and it is NOT urine) do squirt during sex, they may not need to do either.


(deep breath)


Seriously dude, that was the funniest thing I’ve read yet on SDMB! If you have anymore stories like that, please let me know. I would LOVE to hear them. :smiley: