I’ve heard several people opine that Trump won’t serve for very long. Whether he is impeached, steps down, or some other way, what if he doesn’t serve out his term. Well of course Pence is next. Is he better, worse, or about the same as a leader? Maybe more politically savvy, but more conservative, but of a more even temperament.
Better by a lot, but that really doesn’t say much. Every candidate for President in the last 50 years was better than Trump. Almost every elected official in America is better than Trump. Pence is still bad and I don’t respect anyone who aligned with Trump, but if Trump handed it off to him in the first 3 months, I’d feel better because I think Pence is mentally capable to operate as President.
I would disagree regularly and fiercely with Pence. I could live with him as President for a few years, though.
Pence is less likely to nuke the moon.
Pence is a deep evangelical who would:
Repeal gay marriage (as governor of Indiana, he was the author of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which initially stripped gay Hoosiers of the right to not be discriminated against),
Outlaw abortion (as governor, he passed legislation that would require that aborted or miscarried fetuses be buried or cremated. It also requires that women involved in these cases be given the chance to decide how this is carried out. It also prohibited the tissue being donated for medical research),
Force homosexuals into conversion therapy in an attempt to turn them straight, and
He has some interesting thoughts on smoking.
I lived with Pence as governor for four years, I could survive four years with him as President but I expect I’d be as discontented with him as PotUS as I was with him governor of Indiana.
Yes, I think Pence is/would be a better PotUS than Trump, but that’s damning with faint praise indeed. It’s like saying Danny DeVito is taller than Peter Dinklage. It’s true, but DeVito is still no giant.
I’ll just throw in that I, along with a lot of other Hoosiers, wanted to recall Pence as governor. That really sums up my opinion of him as a leader of any sort.
I was born and raised a Hoosier, Broomstick. I moved across the river to Louisville, but I was hoping for a recall, myself.
And now, I’m hoping for a recall of Matt Bevin.
Pence would be bad but not as bad as Trump.
Pence himself said: “I am a Christian, a conservative, and a Republican, in that order.” Missing from this litany was the word “American”.