


Please try to be nice when commenting on it; I spent forever coding it and trying to make it look nice. :slight_smile:

So… the penguins are hiding behind the…?


I like ya, kid. Really.

Beautiful! I’m in aweland.
Did you think this up during The Voyage of the Dawn Treader ?:wink:


It helps if you highlight it.

Why is the first one standing on his head?

I can’t see 'em… should I tilt my head or something?

It reminds me of those 80’s home computers, where you had to use a lot of imagination to see what the characters were supposed to represent. Are you playing with your mouse-less text-based computers, [a]Asian**, errr…, Aslan2?

They are facing you = is a wing ( ) is a body and > is a nose.

Because they’re squat they look more like hens on a roost.

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I grew up doing these on Mom’s manual Remington. With about as much success:p


It took me a while to work them out, but I think they’re delightful, Aslan2. :slight_smile:

They’re skating, y’all! :smiley:

Great job, A2!


Well, sliding on their bellies, actually! :wink: Right A2?


Interesting stuff. :slight_smile:


~ - ~


:smack:i need a place to practice

weeping on ice forsaken by technology :frowning: sobbing into the screen - hopeless…