People "boycotting" New Star Wars Film on Racial Grounds

You stupid, small-minded shitsuckers. I genuinely feel sorry for you if your world is so small that woe-wanking over a nonexistent “issue” in a film is something that you feel the need to use as a rallying cry for your hate and ignorance. Fuck you. You assholes only see the world in terms of race and color? Only the Sith deal in absolutes, and they’re villains. You’re just pathetic.

And yes, I am fully aware that there are more and bigger targets worth pitting, it’s just that this irritated me to such a degree that I had to express it.

I opened your link. I am now aware of this.


It’s a troll from the 4chan board /pol/, well-known (among the people who know these things) for being full of people who pretend to be Nazis to rile up anyone who gets riled at these things. They think it’s just massive amounts of fun to see all the Outrage!!! (fake and real) over what a bunch of people on the Internet say.

Goddammit. And it’s so horribly plausible that it could be real. That’s the worst part.

shrug It’s entirely possible that some real racists have jumped on the bandwagon at this point. That’s the nature of Poe’s Law, after all. However, this is right up 4chan’s alley: Make fun of the media by goading the media into making fun of itself, by making it get all riled up over some nonsense. They are Hackers On Steroids blowing up innocent vans, after all.

Multicultural bliss crafted by Disney, our modern moral progenitor.

(Other than my disdain for Disney, I’ll judge this film by the content of its character. Anything surpassing dogshit will be a pleasant surprise)

Yeah, because it’s not already a universe populated by fucking aliens.

Seriously, do you actively try to be an asshole? Does it make you happy?

Poe’s Law, man.

It’s still an asshole move.

4chan. Making the world worse one troll at a time. Don’t it make you proud :rolleyes:

I remember when HuffPo et al. dutifully reported that there was a massive backlash against Mad Max: Fury Road due to Charlize’s role. Then it turned out that “massive” meant one guy running a website, and many news sites not checking their facts.

In other words, walk away; your outrage is what is intended.

So you are telling me that these aren’t the trolls I’m looking for?

Well, he was a dick. And the Raven was a crappy poem.

I like the implication that somehow white women don’t count as evidence against the “whitegenocide” agenda.

Where is it they think white babies come from?

Well done.

Hey, the movies should be full of black characters. Weren’t all the stormtroopers clones of Django Fett?

the stormtroopers are not clone

the prequels aren’t canon

Maybe not, but I’d pay good money to see Tarantino direct a Star Wars movie. JJ Abrams, not so much. Dude’s a hack.

You go to hell, sir.

grumblegrumble gorram burqueños talkin’ shit…

I’m boycotting because JJ Abrams is involved.

I saw the first film in the theater at age six. After Episode I, and what a fail it was, color me uninterested. Maybe I’ll catch it on cable.

Did they rehabilitate Jar Jar or what?

Yeah, good white people like Temuera Morrison!

Canon is something like: cloning was used to create an army quick, but by the time of the original trilogy they were mostly hired normals, with a small clone group. It makes sense (in a nerd rage way) to complain about him not looking like Morrison if you didn’t understand the fact, just as it is to complain about siblings being different races in the Fantastic Four, but any somewhat legitimate complaint is drowned about by the racist crazies who are louder.