We conservatives have been trying to get people to understand that they – not the government – are responsible for their own protection. The fact that minorities are finally beginning to understand this in significant numbers is the silver lining to the open racism that we’ve been seeing lately.
Except when cops shoot those minorities just for having guns. And what good will the guns do against the cops, or the boss who won’t hire you, or the governor who doesn’t think potable water for your neighborhood is important?
This is a joke thread, right?
One way or another.
Having a gun makes you less safe, not more. And it certainly won’t help them survive against a mob or the police, much less the military. It just makes it easier to justify killing them.
And no; the government is responsible for our protection, not us. That’s the most important reason it exists at all. We’re simply not capable of defending ourselves as individuals.
If history is any indication, the fact that minorities are finally beginning to understand this in significant numbers will convince conservatives that we need way more gun control right the hell now.
Sounds good in theory. But what should I do when the government uses its police powers to take away my inalienable rights instead of protecting them?
Well, mebee you been using too big words for dem.
Yup. If this trend continues, look for “common sense” approaches to gun control suddenly spew forth from the GOP.
Maybe it could be explained, then, exactly what the government IS responsible for, if not protection of the people.
This is an indication of the liberal bias of this board. There are few other places where a straightforward statement of fact could be considered confusing.
Incorrect. Let me introduce you to the Supreme Court decision in Castle Rock v. Gonzales.
In 1999, Jessica Gonzales of Castle Rock, CO, obtained a restraining order against her estranged husband. He violated the order, and killed their 3 daughters. She sued the town for not enforcing the restraining order.
The Court held that (A) she had no basis for suing the town, and (B) that the police are NOT required to protect people. It was a 7-2 decision, with only Stevens and Ginsberg dissenting.
Nope. It’s the liberals who want to “protect” us from the scary black people. This is a couple years old, but it gets the point across very well.
If you look at the Open Carry websites, you’ll find a spirit of diversity and welcome for minorities that liberals can only dream of.
And this is happening, with our racist laws designed to keep minorities from owning guns.
People from minority groups are suddenly buying more guns
It’s about time.
Hard to see how the statements and attitudes expressed in that article are any more reasonable than the often overwrought explanations of people running to buy guns/ammo under Obama.
I’d have to say less reasonable actually, since the Democrats do say they want more gun control, most new gun control laws ‘grandfather’ what people already have (giving a direct incentive to buy now what you would have bought eventually anyway, if there’s any chance new restrictions will come to pass), and we only know in retrospect of Obama’s decision not to prioritize gun control when he had majorities in Congress the first two years, and his complete lack of effectiveness on the issue after that.
That said I have the same basic attitude toward rushed legal gun shoppers afraid of Obama v those afraid of Trump. It’s their right, and none of my business.
I’ve always believed that liberals keep failing to get gun control measures passed largely because they’re so dishonest about what they want and whom they fear.
If you’re a white liberal in Manhattan or Boston or D.C. or San Francisco, what are you REALLY afraid of? Simple: you’re afraid of blacks with guns. But you’d rather die than admit that fact. So, you pretend the problem is really Cletus in Arkansas and Bubba in Kentucky. That just convinces Cletus and Bubba that the dadgum liberals DO want to confiscate their hunting rifles, and makes them dig in harder.
Make bombs. Then probably die anyway. But guns don’t help.
Because there was no rational reason to be afraid of Obama, but plenty of rational reasons for non-whites to be afraid of Trump and the Republicans.
Yeah! The blacks and browns and yellows need to hit the streets and start singing “Revolution has come. Time to pick up the gun!”
The whites will surely rally behind them. And the blues too. Won’t they?
Well, it worked for the Black Panthe…oh, wait…
So win-win for the NRA and the gun manufacturers who continue to make billions off the misery of others.