People who think using the ligature "æ" makes them look smart are wankers

Get a dictionary published this century, assface. That shit isn’t even on a standard keyboard. You must have gone to a lot of trouble to type an obsolete character that nobody uses.

Get over yourselves, fuckbuckets.

That is all.

œ kæ

Alt 0198 is Æ and Alt 0230 is æ.

I had to look it up, but I keep a sheet handy and it took 10 seconds per.

I use Alt 0189 often as it is ½ and I have recently memorized Alt 0226 â for another thread in the games forum.

I also like to use Alt 0176 ° for the degree symbol, but I can’t seem to memorize and I look it up often. It take about 5-8 seconds instead of 2 like ½ does.

You don’t reference the context or person you are pitting, so I would have to say without context you appear to be bitching about something minor.

What word was it used in?


Cite of the offending behaviour, plæase?

Æelfric was a smart guy, so I find it hard to fault him.

Says Mæglin

It’s just for æsthetics.

Actually, depending on where the person is from, that ligature comes on keyboards. Cite.

Oooh, touchæ!

Perhaps, but Ælfræd was Great.

Same. I also know Alt+0169 is ©.

Learn to swim.

Once, long ago, I started memorizing Alt+Etc codes. Then I realized it was a losing battle. There would always be some oddball character somewhere I didn’t know the code for. So I long since put a link to ↷Charmap.exe on my desktop. Seems I use that sucker all the time. Well, not all the time, really, but maybe once or twice a week on average.

So do I, when I’m looking at some really græt porn on my computer.

On macs, æ is option+apostrophe. I don’t have it memorized, but it’s easy enough to figure out by trial and ærror.

As a member of the Edh Liberation Front… oh, never mind.


Check out the big brain on friedo!

This is reminiscent of Læffan’s location rant. Wæk.

It’s why I get the big bucks.

As you are here. What were the circumstances behind this pitting?