Perception of NOI/"Black Muslims" in Islamic world?

I should have thought to ask this question before Collounsbury disappeared, hopefully somebody else can help me.

I’m sure the Nation of Islam and its’ offshoots are extremely obscure outside of the U.S., but is there any official line or consensus among Moslem scholars? Is it regarded as a valid expression of Islam? An heresy? An American cultural curiosity?

He already responded. He said that they’re as “Islamic as Baptists.” The search engine is going very slow right now, but if you do a search on “Baptists” and his name, you’ll get that thread–although I’m sure he made the same points at other times.

And he also made the point that internationally, they are not considered “real” Muslims.

Thanks, Earl. I found this vituperative pit thread:, if anyone wants to wade through it.

Can anyone answer my question directly?

It’s a heresy/non-Muslim American cultural curoisty to most Muslims, NoI members as non-Muslims aren’t allowed into Mecca.

In GQ, we’ve discussed this in Islam sects and in GD we had this exchange in Differences between Nation of Islam and mainstream Islam? and What defines Islam (Nation of Islam and other non-mainstream groups)? and Nation Of Islam and, after Coll’s “Baptist” reply to december in GD, we got a Pit thread where we hashed it out some more: Collounsbury/Jack Chick.

Why was Malik Shabazz (aka Malcolm X) allowed into Mecca?

From the second I provided:

I don’t recall if I have seen the Louis Farrakhan issue resolved on these boards, although I suspect that a search using “farrakhan AND mecca” would turn up the information.

Actually I may be incorrect about this, as I can’t find another source for this (the claim appeared on British TV during the recent refusal to allow Farrakhan in).

Malcolm X Timeline

He had been kicked out of the NOI when he went to Mecca (though he probably didn’t mind since he had been gradually losing faith in Elijah Muhammad anyway) AND he travelled under an assumed name.
Slightly OT, but an interesting related link: FOIA FBI files on Elijah Muhammad

We also had a discussion in GQ (started by myself) about the founder of the NoI, W. D. Fard, whose name was mispelt “W. T. Fard” in the title.