Perhaps this lady should diet? What a day she had.

There’s an updated story here:

The stairs leading up inside the restaurant are described as being loose. It may have been too hazardous to rescue her that way. And she broke her arm in two places. From the story, it seems like the restaurant had numerous safety violations.

And, yeah, OP, I agree. It just isn’t that damned funny.

Only if you are fat though.

The new article says she’s 400lbs. That’s three small (133 lb) women standing in one spot on that sidewalk.

It still should have held. I’d expect that even an elevated sidewalk (which that was) should easily handle over a thousand pounds. I noticed in the picture of the hole that there was a few pieces of rebar. Probably needed more rebar and thicker concrete.

Glad the lady wasn’t hurt badly. The updated story sounds more serious than the first one that I read.

Oh, she’s so fat she fell through the sidewalk HAHAHAHAH!!

That means that if 3 or 4 normal people were walking together, they’d fall through. having 3-4 people on the same area of side walk isn’t that unheard of.