Pet pictures!

Black cat gang checking in.

If you look closely, you can see a reflection of me, my phone, my monitor, my ceiling fan, and a few other things in Cygnus’ eye. ENHANCE!

That is really cool!

Very sorry to hear this. Prayers for a complete recovery.

It’s horrible the worry you feel getting them through something like this. It does sound like all will come good in the end.

My best to you and Bob.

Sounds like the mastocytoma/mast cell tumor one of our dogs had removed years back.

For those of you with two black kitties, how do you tell them apart? The only way I could tell my black cats apart was that one had longer fur.

I’ve been following your travel adventures with Bob and I know how important he is to you. Just want to add my best wishes for his good health, and please keep us informed. And of course, keep posting pictures!

When we had two black cats, they weren’t particularly similar other than black fur of the same length.

One was a largish tom, the other a petite girl. The tom was copper-eyed and had silky fur (I think he was partly Bombay), the other’s fur felt a little rougher and she had green eyes.

If you’re around cats enough, you learn to distinguish them even if they’re almost identical.

The one who ate the stick of butter that you recklessly left on the counter?

That was the other one. Not the one you’re looking at!

– I’ve had two yellow cats at the same time. They had similar length fur, but they weren’t the same shade, or the same shape; and they had different voices. And they had very different characters.

When Trei was living outside, she had a twin sister named Jun. Their personalities were just different enough to usually tell them apart, especially when they were together. Jun was killed by pack of dogs one night a few years ago but I didn’t know which one she was until Trei came home the next day. Trei is a paw-dipper so I knew when I saw her drinking water that it was Jun who had died. That was when I brought Trei in.

I believe that Seven is Trei’s mother. She had also been living in the neighborhood for years before I brought her in last year. So they look somewhat alike. Seven doesn’t have a clipped ear and Trei does. Seven is also fluffier whereas Trei is more sleek.

A friend just reminded me of picture in relation to something else and I remembered this thread. It’s my aging cat Rupert absorbed in watching TV, which is exceedingly odd to me because in ~16 years I’ve never seen him pay even the slightest attention to the tube. He was watching for at least a solid five minutes that I noticed and before I thought to grab my phone and snap a pick. He wandered away seconds after this quick shot, but still…either he has become a devoted fan of Elle Fanning emoting or he is beginning the decline into feline senility :smiley:.

Looks to me like Rupert enjoys a bit of cleavage.

It’s like pizza.

Bob had his leg lump ectomied today. I was a bit of a nervous wreck only because they said they’d call with an update by noon and to schedule pick up. When they hadn’t called by 2:00 I called them. Everything was fine, just a little behind today because of weather (it snowed a little).

So, Bob’s back. He’s totally gooned out on pain meds and I think he’s probably curled up for the night. Yes, he has the cone of shame.




And here’s Monkey, in a 3-part verse. (Let’s see if I did this correctly.)

I think if you scroll down from the 1st pic, you can see the other two.

I see that Monkey has thumbs!

Oh, darling, Monkey has thumbs within his thumbs.

As in, each front paw has a thumb … and each thumb has its own mini-thumb.

All fully clawed.

Should be more visible at the link below. I :heart: that I moved to thr Mitten State, and got a mitten cat:

If he figures out how to use those thumbs human-style, I think you’ll be in trouble. :slight_smile:

The ghost of Ernest Hemingway approves.

This is my boy, Huxley, at around 1 year old.

He’s turning 12 this December. A dog his size, this will likely be his last birthday.

I named him after the philosopher/author Aldous, but he was the runt of his litter and never attained much in the way of intellectual ability… in fact he is quite thick. But I love him.