Pet pictures!

Because our pets are awesome, here is a thread dedicated to honoring their awesomeness with pictures.

(To display pictures, upload to a photo sharing site and share the link.)

Dopers, meet Luna:

Google Photos

Google Photos

Luna is beautiful!

Daphne, reacting to a thunderclap:

And Daphne and Sam watching each others six:

Daphne, Sam! :heart_eyes:

Sammy & Dot.

Sammy is now a little over a year old and Dot is already 10 years old.

What breed of dog is Luna?

Luna may be an Australian Kelpie:

Google Photos

I think, however, she is likely a mix of collie, shepherd, and maybe another. She was a rescue dog, so her history is unknown.

My two guys. The gray one is Nickel, one year old and the tabby is Jasper, three years old.

Bob (Meet Bob) and Mort



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Dino the Monster Mouth sitting on his favorite chair on the pouch.


They all look so lovable and huggable!

Here’s Allie, aka the Princess:

And our newest family member, name TBD (the bird is female, says the breeder):

Morgan (related to Bob??)

Google Photos

Grady (Related to Luna?? I had his DNA done…he is all mutt)

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Google Photos

He is so handsome in his tie!

Luna has very striking eyes:

Google Photos

I have no idea what breed or mix she is, but she definitely has the look of high intelligence about her. As with people, you can just tell.


P.K. on dog bed

Gracie settling in for the evening

P.K. in Gracie’s cone of shame

Because it’s not truly a cone of shame until there’s a cat butt on your head.

Better picture of Gracie.

Whatever she’s asking for in this one, how could you possibly say no to that sweet little face and those eyes?

A tribute to a dear friend. I can’t believe it’s been more than a decade. Still miss him terribly.

That was day one that she was in our home. I think she was asking to stay. :slight_smile:

Also, you can’t say no to her, but luckily she’s the best dog ever, so you don’t need to.


My daughter’s dog Henry: