So I come wandering home after a long day at school and as I slip into the apartment the smell hits me.
This wonderful scent with a hint of sniff citrus I think?
It’s my roomies new cologne. The whole apartment smells like it, not in a bad way no. Just a hint in the air saying that yes, a man was here. The kind of cologne that makes you want to snuggle up to a guy and bury your face in his neck or chest and take a deep breath, before jumping him and shagging like mad.
It’s that new Axe body deoderant stuff and it smells so yummy. I don’t think the commercials are far of when implying the smell of it will enable you to get laid, I know it affects me in wanting to jump a guy wearing it.
So what do they put in the durn thing?? Pheremones?? Gah! So near and yet so far is my roomie and then he gets stuff like this to make me crave him more.
Yep you can buy it. My roomie has a can of it and he grins and comments occassionally on how the girls at work are sniffing at him to get a whiff of his cologne.
He tested it on me first though. When he brought it home he sprayed some on and came up behind me while I was on the comp and said “So does it work?” All I could do was nod…
Clean and passably groomed should do, gorgeous and bemuscled is just a bonus. My roomie isn’t all that muscled but he is pretty gorgeous to me. I don’t nescessarily go for all those muscles and beauty anyway. Most of the guys I usually end up with I get teased about because they apparently look kinda geeky, though to me they are handsome.
And taking a look at the bottle the nearest I can figure is it’s called Tsunami.
Pheremones, contrary to what most people believe, don’t make you want to run out and hump people. They have a calming effect more than anything, so I suspect it’s something else they have in that can…