Phone Sex - was it good for you?

tracer, its easier for a woman, they can type with both hands if they put a vibrator on their lap.

But then again, I never tried net or phone sex either, as I don’t believe in having sex with a public utility.

… especially if your phone is on a party line.

I work on computers & nothing more gross than to have to work on someone’s computer who’s addicted to Net sex. Those keyboards, oh, gross.

Guanolad…I have done it a few times, but I was the giver.

Hmmm…I wonder what the long distance rates are from Canada to Australia…

There can be something very satisfying about hearing a man cum just from the sound of your voice.

Very satisfying.


It works for guys too.

I remember when I waas chatting with a girl from Boise once (nobody here), and I wrote something that she kinda liked. I said something like, I’ll call you and finish you off. She dared me.

So I called her, and though she had never done that before, next thing I knew, my voice and words and imagination enabled me to pop her fiber optic cherry.

I must admit that knowing where her hands and fingers were, and knowing that I was the one who led her to this place she had never been, was a huge turn-on.

Yer pal,

Satan hits the nail on the head!

That’s the drawcard for me too. It is a huge turn-on to know that it truly is just with voice and semntiment that can get someone over the edge…

Kellibelli - you’re on. If you’re willing, I’m willing! :slight_smile:

Hero For A New Millennium!

The Legend Of PigeonMan - updates every Wed & Sat. If I can be bothered.

(sigh)…I’m going to hate myself for answering this.

Yes, I’ve had phone sex…
Yes, I’ve called a profesional service (sounds better that way :wink: )
I’ve only done it a few times with someone I already know, because, well…they’re usually close enough that I can go and get the real thing.
I use only one service…they are less expensive than most, at least give the illusion of being real people…as to why?..I guess it’s just another form of fantasizing…I can ask her to do anything I want…and it’s a selfish sort of thing too. I don’t really have to worry about pleasuring her.

Although one of my favorite things in real life is to lay next to my SO and whisper fantasies in her ear while I use my fingers on her…she loves that… :slight_smile:


This place is giving me the worst case of ‘feminineblue balls’!

Atrael, YOU are the worst!

Satan, you arent much better.

<muttering> Friggin’ men… sayin’ sexy stuff…not fair…anit gettin’any…grrrrr

I thought it was gross, but maybe that’s because it wasn’t really my idea. See, at the time I lived in Detroit & my SO lived in Baltimore…we were talking on the phone, & he got horny & jerked off while we were on the phone. I didn’t enjoy it for a couple of reasons…it sort of grossed me out, plus it made think about how much I wanted to be there with him in person. It made me sad a LOT more than it made me horny.

I like it. I’d like it a lot better if I could actually do it well, but when I get turned on past a certain point, my brain turns off, and I’m not very articulate.

Maybe I just need practice…

When I would go over to my friend Greg’s house back in the 7th grade, we would randomly pick naughty 1-800 numbers and see what they’d say before we had to pay… but never would continue with it cuz we’d get freaked out that his dad would find out and kill us.

Still never done the phone sex thing. I find the imagination to be a very useful hand in getting oneself off.

“I may be crazy, but at least I’m not as crazy as you.”-- Calvin and Hobbes
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Having just experienced it,in fact i’m still recovering…it’s not as good as the real thing but it’s one hell of a substitute,especially if you love and know that person!
<gives it 10 out of 10>

Please forgive me i’m English!