Phrases posted here that have stayed with you

I noticed today that whenever I hear Prince mentioned, my brain immediately supplies, “a musical force of nature”. Someone here once referred to him that way, and it stuck to my brain like a Colorform.

Likewise, when pugs are mentioned, I think, “a miniature clown who always wants to perform”. I think that one can be attributed to Max Torque.

Does this happen to y’all?

I have to stop myself from adding “Hi Opal!” whenever I’m making a list.

I’m thinking more along the lines of things other posters have said that aren’t among the board catchphrases. Maybe I just think about y’all too much…

When talking to someone who is clearly sending my bullshit meter off the charts, I frequently have to refrain from yelling: “CITE???

teh gay


teh intarweb.

Oh, and “fuckwit.”

I use the phrase “Google-Fu” quite often. People actually have no trouble understanding what I mean. (unlike usual.)

I threw up a little, in my mouth.


There are probably other ones, but they’re a part of my speech now; I’d really have to think about it.

This is the one that gives me a hard time.

I have actually done this. It tends to make people look at you funny.

“Nuke 'em from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.” has become a catchphrase amongst my gardening friends when referring to hard-to-get-rid-of plants.

Happens to me all the time. Thank goodness no one monitors my conversation for plagiarism. Almost any creative turn of phrase will stick in my mind.

My IRL friends think I’m quite clever. They don’t realize I’m a parrot.

“This is only going to end in tears and bedwetting.”

That person had stupid food for breakfast.

I used “eats the stupid food for breakfast” in a blog post the other day.

I also always, ALWAYS want to say “penis ensued” but it just never works out to make any sense without the backstory.

I did introduce “masturbating like a motherfuck” to a friend, who introduced it to his workplace. heh.

Aw, c’mon, it isn’t even close to the same without the “WOOHOO!”, man.

I’m sure that my daily speech is affected in a hundred different ways by what I see here, but I can’t think of any particular examples at the moment. I did have to explain the “penis ensues” to my husband the other day - I used it while watching tv or something.

I think “offenderati” and “thread-shitting” are catching on.

In the two years since I’ve joined and up until about six months ago, everyone that got on my nerves or angered me was an asshat.

They still are, I just don’t mutter under my breath as much.

Any reference to the Duggar family, and I think “Lady, it’s a vagina, not a clown car,” which I believe was coined by Guinastasia.

A recent one that I have used several times already, “That’s like comparing apples to wooden croquet balls.” I forget who said it, but thanks!

I also have been using the name Quiddity Glomfuster as an alternate swear word. It really works.

Whenever I see the misspelled word “ladel,” I think of…well.

Sometimes I say Quiddity Glomfuster for no apparent reason. I can’t figure out why, but that handle gets stuck in my head longer than “Feel Like Makin’ Love.”

I also use teh intarwebz, but I’m not sure if that originated here.

I’ve never heard offenderati. I’m assuming it means those who are easily offended.

I don’t refrain! I say it all the time. I love it. In my frequent email arguments with a co-worker, I often pull it out. Now, I even say it out loud in normal conversation. My friends are like, “WTF?” I love it.