I noticed today that whenever I hear Prince mentioned, my brain immediately supplies, “a musical force of nature”. Someone here once referred to him that way, and it stuck to my brain like a Colorform.
Likewise, when pugs are mentioned, I think, “a miniature clown who always wants to perform”. I think that one can be attributed to Max Torque.
I have actually done this. It tends to make people look at you funny.
“Nuke 'em from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.” has become a catchphrase amongst my gardening friends when referring to hard-to-get-rid-of plants.
Aw, c’mon, it isn’t even close to the same without the “WOOHOO!”, man.
I’m sure that my daily speech is affected in a hundred different ways by what I see here, but I can’t think of any particular examples at the moment. I did have to explain the “penis ensues” to my husband the other day - I used it while watching tv or something.
I think “offenderati” and “thread-shitting” are catching on.
Sometimes I say Quiddity Glomfuster for no apparent reason. I can’t figure out why, but that handle gets stuck in my head longer than “Feel Like Makin’ Love.”
I also use teh intarwebz, but I’m not sure if that originated here.
I’ve never heard offenderati. I’m assuming it means those who are easily offended.
I don’t refrain! I say it all the time. I love it. In my frequent email arguments with a co-worker, I often pull it out. Now, I even say it out loud in normal conversation. My friends are like, “WTF?” I love it.