Pick out a new last name for me!

You know, some people actually have that name. I’m dating one of them… :slight_smile:

Well, remember, if you go with Romanov, you have your legacy to consider!

(ten bonus points to the first who can ID the referene. :slight_smile: )

Jennifer Agnew!

That’s why I suggested it. :slight_smile:

You know I have about 100 points I’m supposed to receive but I’ve yet to get them! What gives?

You could be Jennifer Hfuhruhurr.
Or maybe Jennifer Uumellmahaye.

bouv, you can have those points back if you know those references.

Sounds like maybe you’re off of Dragon by now (I’ve only finally clicked in here).

My last name is one letter short of Dragon. The crap I got in school usually involved being called Dragon. So I flinched when I saw this one.

Of course, since you’re beyond that phase (well, mostly anyway) YMMV.

Jennifer Highlander? Sounds good.

For the techno approach–Jennifer Heterodyne.

How about Jennifer Nude? Bet that would make you popular.

For a New Age approach–Jennifer Starlight.

Jennifer Montana ?

Jennifer Nemo?–if you can Scuba dive.

Or, if you admire the Maid of Orleans, either Jennifer Du’Arc or Jennifer La Pucelle.

I also like Jennifer Six Robot.

Or you could try for some wordplay—Jenny Raider? Jenny Ration?

Jennifer Dark.

Jennifer Bishop
Jennifer Rich
Jennifer Reed
Jennifer Craft
Jennifer Hurts
Jennifer Powers is my favorite so far.

I’ve often thought of changing my name, because it rhymes with a certain farm animal and people still say, “What’s that? Sarah HORSEY?” Not as bad as getting neighed at, but it still hurts. How much does it cost?

(I would probably pick “Powers” if I were to change my name.)

Page is pretty cool. hahah powers is pretty funny!!

how bout Dracon ? i know someone with that last name.

Jennifer Marlowe might work, if you’re a WKRP fan.

Instead of Dracon, Jennifer Draco sounds vaguely exotic.

Jennifer Six Robot makes you sound like a performance artist (if you are one, go with it), also it reminds me of that bad movie Jennifer 8.

How about:

Jennifer Ambrose
Jennifer Kane
Jennifer Patton
Jennifer Spaulding
Jennifer Garibaldi
Jennifer Morganfield
Jennifer Drake
Jennifer Barrett
Jennifer Baumann
Jennifer Gilmour
Jennifer Spence
Jennifer Calvino
Jennifer Nimitz
Jennifer Wolf
Jennifer Trotsky
Jennifer Logan
Jennifer Kerouac

Wow, no one has mentioned my favorite (from a furniture company, but still): Jennifer Leather.


I also have always liked Jennifer Wren, for a more pastoral spin.

(Jen) Ford (to keep the Nixon thing going)
(Jen) Michaelstoveljinxlvich
I’d be willing to let you have Qwertyasdfg

I myself have a good last name, but it sounds like drug slang, even though I don’t do drugs. I think this will come back to haunt me. But hey, I can really mess up my kids!

Greensleeves, here. I’ve given this some serious thought, and here’s what I’ve narrowed the field down to:

Jennifer “Bultaco”
“Grisly” (or “Grizzly”)

I hope my offerings are of some assistance!

Green Bean has a good point here. I changed my name legally years ago, and it did not occur to me that the last name I had chosen sounded Native American. I’m amazed at the number of people who feel compelled to comment on my (presumed) heritage.

“Drake” or “Draka” are old English names derived from “Dragon,” as I recall. “Drago” in Italian. “Drachen” in German.

Or I’d be happy to loan you a last name from one of my works of fiction, if you like “Vander” or “Maxincia.”


jennifer the … (this could be left as is, or closed with positive adjective)
countries/cities could be cool…
jennifer america, jennifer milan, jennifer casablanca
jennifer freud
jennifer atrocious (kids book?)
jennifer unique, jennifer exceptional, jennifer favourite, jennifer superior, jennifer serious
jennifer dollar
jennifer rosebud
jennifer doctor (or other professions?)
jennifer royalty , jennifer aristocrat
jennifer parabola
jennifer hyphen (or dash)
jennifer controller
jennifer correct

Ivanhoe Ivanhoe

I don’t know why that name had been rolling around in my head since I replied to this.


Jennifer Cherenkov
Jennifer Maleficarum
Jennifer Neodymium
Jennifer Optimus Prime
Jennifer Copernicus Euclid
Jennifer Seven of Nine
Jennifer Domo Arigato

Oh my GOD!!! Now that would be too funny. I think Steve Martin would personally come and visit you if you chose one of those names.

What about St. John Smith, but you pronounce it “Sinjin Smythe”.