Pick Your Armageddon

Dinosaurs everywhere! No wait, that won’t work…

Brain Slugs!

Simplest way, if you can get a hold of them, is to use a handful of high altitude nukes to set of some overlapping EMPs covering the US, with the result of (e) followed by ©. wiithout resulting in smoking craters.

People say that, but I have my doubts Buck’s plan will work. Any decent building’ll stop most of an airburst EMP.

and yet them bad ppl are still saying we are engineering our own demise / dreams of world conquest.
they say we are Fakirs.
to whit.

Ahmadinejad: 9/11 scenario dubious
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says Western media hyped the September 11, 2001 attacks to pave the way for the US-led invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq.

“What was the story behind September 11? In the space of five to six days, and with the aid of the media, they swayed public opinion to the point of considering an attack on Afghanistan and Iraq permissible and a right [for themselves],” he said in a televised speech.
article continues

He also claims that the Holocaust was a hoax and that there are no gays in Iran, so I wouldn’t even take his words with a grain of salt. Hell, his words aren’t even worth a pinch of shit.


Must be why we want to kill him so bad, so quick huh?
BTW, have we got another Shah, waiting in the wings, ready to go, like we did in Iraq, Afghanistan?ready to insert there?

Because he’s a whack job? If we wanted him dead so bad, it’s sure taking us a long time, ehe?

Do we? You tell me, since it’s your fantasy. Again, though, if we DO, it’s sure taking us a long ass time to get around to it, don’t you think?


My fantasy? lol, i am merely reflecting history.
insert dictators in foreign countries is what we do.
some say best, most say worst.
i think probably yes, its what we do, have done, in most countries whose internal politics we mess up with.
You suggesting inserting the Shah, or Saddam was value for money then?
not sure why you would think this.
Just like our support of OBL in Afghanistan to cause the downfall of the Russkies,
was a venture doomed right from the start
it came back to bite us on the ass, in Spades. Huh?
Sure, the short term gains were OK, but long term, we pooped in our own feeding trough
shame that

Are you trying to write in some sort of bizarre prose? If so, it’s not working out well for you, as it makes you seem a bit touched. Just a personal observation which I’m sure you will promptly disregard.

(One word…paragraphs. Look it up)


Seeing as how we (by which I figure you mean the US) didn’t ‘insert’ either the Shah OR Saddam, I’m curious what history you think you are reflecting.

No, not really. We SUPPORTED dictators in foreign countries when it was expedient for us to do so in the past, but we haven’t inserted any that I’m aware of in quite a long time. Of course, considering that you seemingly do believe in the whole 9/11 CT (and the Easter Bunny too, for all I know), your definition of the words ‘insert’ and ‘dictators’ is probably, um, interesting, to say the least.

Since we did neither, I’d say we got our money’s worth, yeah. :stuck_out_tongue:
I’m going to modify the next bit for readability sake:

Hindsight is always 20/20. We supported the Mujahideen (of which ObL later joined up) because it was expedient for us to do so, given the Russians invasion of Afghanistan. That this later (decades) came back to bite us on the ass is just one of those things that happens in real life. In fantasy land people have perfect information and a perfect ability to predict outcomes decades in advance, and to avoid such pit falls. In the real world, sadly, shit happens.


c) Engineered economic collapse

This is already in effect.

I’d go with the violent coup d’etat – because it would shatter the national confidence that that sort of thing can’t happen here. It would be the biggest surprise. All the others on the list, people are worried about already.

Seven Days In May was published in 1962. I’d say people have been concerned about a violent coup for quite a while now. Not to mention the Business Plot against FDR and the Bush/Satan years.

A violent coup d’etat would be highly entertaining to watch. There are a number of us out here who are much saner than the militia sorts, who would deal with such things. Starting with the Secret Service and the rest of the military, and continuing to the retired military and the private citizen. (Assuming that part of the military attempted the coup.)

EMPs would not work. All of our stuff is backed up everynight…in the UK you would have to get the backups. Besides all an EMP does it ruin electronics. It doesn’t erase harddrives. It won’t destroy a buildings on site tape backup.

Booth, it wouldn’t help to have every car made after 1970 or so completely nonfunctional, would it? But I’m seriously doubtful that it would actually do so.

Who needs to think about it, the end has already started. As the number of people who depend on the government for any type of aid increases, the number of states that will become bankrupt (as is going to happen), will increase and the federal government will come in to bail them out. And in the end, the federeal government will fail, and will have to go to the world to get bailed out, thus ending America’s sovereignty. Just read Cloward and Pavins manifesto.

Is this required to be currently technologically feasible?

If not, EMP storm. That lasts for 20 years.

Bring down everything electronic and keep it down. No more powered flight, no more GPS, television, radio, so on and so forth. The world would be in a state of complete anarchy by the end of the first week and we’d be building motte and bailey forts by the end of the second.

I’m no expert and would be very happy to be wrong. :slight_smile:

Bloody uprising. Get a coalition of young punks who are willing to die for an ill-thought-out ideology. For example. the younger set of the Tea Party types (who are mostly talk & too lazy or conservative to back up their rhetoric, sadly) & groups like the KKK. Go out & murder murder murder like Hitler’s SA. Install yourself as God Emperor.

After that, you can purge whomever you want until you’re assassinated. At the very least, it’ll put paid to the myth of US democracy’s invincibility.

xtisme, it is a matter of historical record that the USA installed Reza Pahlavi as Shah. 1953 Iranian coup d'état - Wikipedia But that’s a digression.

Actually, the dire fiscal straits of the federal government has very little to do with Cloward & Piven, & a lot to do with decisions made by a GOP Congress in the 1990’s.

Cloward & Piven never had much influence, but making scapegoats & boogeymen out of them is useful to a plan which seeks to drown the present social order in Grover Norquist’s bathtub.
It remains to be seen whether Cloward & Piven were right, & crisis will lead to a somewhat more socialist order; or the Starve the Beast boys were right, & society will abandon public education & pensions. I personally think neither will happen. We’ll keep the things we think are important, but face inflation & have less economic ability to deal with other things.

If the Starve the Beast boys’ real intention were to make Medicare even more expensive & gut environmental laws (which I don’t expect, unless they were actually trying to harm quality of life & increase misery) then they would be succeeding. But I think they really thought they were rolling back the welfare state. Given that the present Tea Party movement, supposedly the voice of fiscal conservatism, doesn’t have the will or inclination to end (or even cut) Medicare, I judge Starve the Beast a failure.