Pinned post with all the formatting instructions?

Would it be possible for a mod or someone with familiarity with Discourse to put together a post (that gets pinned) that has all the formatting instructions? My interface shows bold and italics as the only options, but I know can do strike-through and you can probably change the size, add underline, maybe even the color?

strike this! <-- [s]strike this![/s]

Some of us begged for this in the early days after the migration. I don’t know if that ever happened.

Here are some helpful links: One to GreysonCarlisle’s tutorial thread (this is the one that we need to have pinned!) and one to an external page full of Markdown codes.

You can save bookmarks to both of them in your browser, as I have done.

GreysonCarlisle’s thread.Very extensive and detailed!

Markdown Reference page. – Just some basics, but includes links to additional information.

Thanks for linking that. For some reason, I’ve been all the way through ATMB and couldn’t find it. And search only seems to search titles, and that title is not what I remember. I even asked someone to provide a link and no one did.

I’ve been looking for the abbr tag, as I couldn’t remember it, and it’s not standard HTML or BBCode or Markdown. I still think it’s weird there’s no Discourse official list of ALL markup.

ISTM we discussed <abbr> in a thread not too long ago. Someone used it to produce words like this. Hover your mouse (if you have one) over the dotted-underlined word and see what happens!

The intended usage is to introduce and define abbreviations like HTML and SRIOTD.

Correction: it is standard HTML, but not often taught since it’s redundant (it’s just a
span with a title attribute) and you need to know what it is to search for it. I think of it as the definition tag, but that’s something else.

Also, backspacing on mobile is very slow with all the draft saving here. Would be nice to be able to turn that off on mobile, with an explicit save as draft button, or at least waiting until the typing has stopped to do it. @codinghorror

Basically, that’s all it is. To be sure, you can use a whole lot of attributes with a whole lot of tags, and some tags (like span) exist for no other reason than to give them whatever attributes you want. You can define default attributes for any tag you want, overriding the default defaults, with CSS definitions. You can even invent your own tags and define default attributes for them with CSS.

That does not mean you can use any HTML tags you want in Discourse. Discourse recognizes and implements some specific (not clearly documented) subset of HTML and vBulletin tags in addition to the Markdown tags (which are totally shitty).

And I wish it wasn’t. I thought it was more special. Title text usually doesn’t show on mobile browsers. So, without also adding an onclick with some JavaScript (which I obviously can’t do on Discourse), it has usability problems.

Well, that takes half the fun out of xkcd pages!

So anyway, @RitterSport and @BigT, have you bookmarked the two links I gave above?

The mobile site adds some JS to show the title text, fortunately.

And, yes, I bookmarked that thread (in multiple ways). The Commonmark one I already know. It’s the esoteric HTML tags that I’m not as well acquainted with, nor what subset/version of BBcode is available.

I don’t really use browser bookmarks, since I don’t sync my browsers over my various machines. However, since I started this thread, I should be able to find those other ones. Thanks!