Pins, watchbands, games, messages. Bad bad bad Beck and her dubious multitasking

Sitting in my chair making plans to ignore any requests of my services. (Yeah? So I’m lazy …), Son-of-a-wrek comes in
He has purchased a new watchband.
Oh, goody. He has fat fingers. No one will help him with the pins…“Oh, Ma, I just can’t do this, look I bought extra pins!”

At the very same time CNN was showing the Biden stuff, I had watchband pins flying allover the room. The game I play online needed babysitting, my game Guru was giving me numbers and direction by text.
Dogs were yapping, cats were snarling. Birds were singing, butterflies twitterin’ and the world was turning on its axis.
Worst part was Ivy and Son looking over my shoulders.

While I shoulda been napping.

Somehow, I’m not really sure how, I got the band on the watch.
My game got right.
My Guru then had other ideas. They are quite the taskmaster.
Everyone quieted down.
I swear one lone butterfly twittered outside.
Then it was all over.

I assume the world is still turning.

I’ll check in a bit. I need to sort through the files and see if someone officially removed that no parking sign. Because if it wasn’t officially removed, Maintenance needs to put it back.

If it’s quiet, do you get a nap?

Got my nap.

All that spinning was aggravating tho’.

Who do I call submit my complaint?

That Rascal Rasputin!

Oh, and be sure to set up your productions for 8 hours to fulfill tomorrow’s event quest. Just a guess…


And wash your hands.

Don’t piss Tommy off!

You know, Thomasina, one of these days either you or me are gonna break and spill the story of our secret love affair of the last few years all over this board. Pearls will be clutched, gasps will be made. Swooning Optional.

But not this day.

Randall Munroe and Neil deGrasse Tyson dropped by to remind me that, were the world to stop turning, we and everything around us would travel east at a little over a thousand miles per hour. There would be supersonic winds, tsunamis, and nearly everyone would die.

So you were right about the world still turning.

I have some evidence that it stopped turning for an hour a couple of days ago.

Nope. It turns as usual, no matter what time pieves say. We are living in the Now.

We’re all just Daytrippers after all.

Pins and watchbands and games and messages,
These are a few of my daily expressages!

When Bayliss bites! Then I must sing,
'Cause I just feel so mad,
But I simply remember my favourite things,
And then I don’t feel, so baaaad …