Piper Dog’s dream life has it all over mine. I woke up in the middle of the night and could vividly recall the dream I had been having - I was talking to someone about the weather forecast. “I think there is a chance of a shower on Thursday.” Yawn.
Every dog wants to be a disco, disco dog
To have the kind of body always in demand
Joggin’ in the mornings, go dog go
Workouts in the dog park, muscles grow
You can best believe me, he’s a disco, disco dog
Glad he took you down with anyone you can
Aroooo! Aroooo! Hey, hey, hey!
Disco disco dog (disco dog yeah)
He’s gotta be a disco dog (he’s gotta be a disco dog)
Disco, disco dog (yeah)
He’s gotta be a disco dog (aroooo)!
Somehow, I can’t see the construction worker or the cowboy having a dog. And if the police officer Village Person had a K-9, we never got to see it.
Nicely done on the song, by the way.
I had a cat that used to get up next to me in the middle of the night, like a teddy bear. Every now and then, she would get to dreaming. About what, I don’t know, as she was an indoor cat, and had never chased a leaf across the yard or been chased by another animal. Anyway, it must have involved a flat-out gallop, as I’d awaken to her fast asleep, on her side, but with legs running like crazy. And of course, those paws had claws, as the scratches on my arm showed.
No big deal. Part of what you sign on for when you adopt a cat.
I’ve heard yips and growls at night.
After I determine it’s not me, (I’ve alarmed all furry roommates at one time or another), I then try to figure out who it was.
Without much success.
Daytime dreaming is much easier. I’ve watched Bayliss’ feet running. The Chihuahuas fussing each other. Cats hissing and faces in contortion.
Normally the only noises we’d hear when the dogs were sleeping was growls, but then there was one night when one of our hounds howled, and it sounded not at all like a daytime, awake howl. It was one of the most chilling sounds I have ever heard.
After I peeled myself off the ceiling, I turned on the light to check on him and he was lying on his bed, just blinking at me, perfectly fine. I told him to not ever do that again, and he didn’t, thank Og.