pissing in the pool.

Pet candiru. That’s the only language these people will understand.

I would like to reply that to reply to this would constitute a reply that would be unacceptable as a reply.

I have, I don’t like too, I will prolly do it again, I know others have, my life is too short already to worry about it too much.

The answer is 42 of course but 69 is a good number also.

Can only say when you are in the Pacific ocean, 400 yards from shore & the water is 50 & the nearest restroom is 700 yards or more, that lowers your resistance to peeing in your suit.

Locally you are expected to shower before getting in the public swimming pool. Does anyone know why this is?

I always thought the showers were there so you could get your body use to having cold water on it before getting into the pool. I never used them for that though. I always used them after I was done swimming to rinse the chlorine off of me.

For those of you who have never owned a pool nor have had relatives who have owned a pool, the purpose of the pre-shower before the actual swim is to get all your dingy oils off your body. It is a SWIMMING pool not a BATHING pool. If everyone swam in the pool without taking a quick rinse then the pool would get dingier faster from the bodies native oils. In fact it does this in pools that aren’t over-chlorinated. They do it in the prospective hopes of not needing to over-chlorinate the pool to keep it clean which in turn saves them more money becuase the pool chemicals are much more expensive than quick showers.


interesting responces
and oh’yeah I P
it just seems natural, was scared off for about 5-7 minutes by the green chemical that would mark you as a P’er, then I said what the heck, everyone’s drunk, it would be a riot if this thing actually exists and I don’t feel like getting out of the pool and waiting on line to use the bathroom.
Kind of relieved that the green chemical was BS, but disappointed in a way because we all might have got out of the water and pissed in the pool till the whole thing was green (which would be alot more fun then waiting on the line for the one bathroom that seemed to be always occupied by some girl that took what seems like all day).

I never pee in the pool, but I do when I’m swimming in a lake-- the fish do it, why shouldn’t I?

DAMN! You found me out. I always tell my friends I use that chemical that turns urine green, and my guests always get out of the pool to use the washroom. I even gave it a name: Verticycline–made it up. (vert=green in french)
I used to say “Having a restuarant with a smoking/no smoking section is like having a pool with a peeing/no peeing section.”
Then my friends would ask which section was which!

For the record I stand against peeing in the pool.

However, I am for peeing in the ocean. Where else are you suppose to use the bathroom when you are out on your boat or at the beach?? Besides, I figure that the Atlantic ocean is big enough to handle a little urion.

I have a true peeing in the pool story I would like to share. I was in Mexaco a couple of years ago at one of those nice resorts with a pool bar. This bar was really neat. You could swim up and sit on this underwater stool and order a drink. The whole time you were drinking you could have your butt underwater! I loved that bar.

I was sitting there one day with several people I had met on the trip. There was one really annoying drunk man who was bothering everyone. Whenever someone tried to leave he would get upset and beg them to stay for one more drink. After a couple of hours I was done and tried to leave. When he begged me to stay I told him I had to go because I needed to use the bathroom. I figured once I was out of the pool I could make a break for it.

The man loudly replyed. “Why don’t you just pee in the pool? That’s what I have been doing”

Needless to say I have never seen a pool empty so fast in my life!

This thread reminds me of a story that I heard from one of my medical friends. Back when he was in medical school they had a party at the common house of apartment complex where several of the students lived. Use of the house included use of the pool. One of the refreshments planned for the evening was a wapatooi, essentially a witch’s brew of liquor, fruit juice and soda mixed in a clean garbage can. Kind of a fratboy’s wassail bowl.

One of the students had the bright idea of mixing a quantity of methylene blue into the noxious punch. Methylene blue is an organic dye that has the wonderous property of not being metabolized as it passes through the excretory system. In other words, what goes in blue comes out blue. All of the men and none of the women were informed of this addition to the libations.

According to my friend, great, but short-lived, sport was had watching for the tell-tale blue plumes emanating from pool peers. Eventually everybody caught on to what was happening, but, nonetheless, the bar had been reset for party pranks.

Why would you pee in a pool that you’re swimming in? Do you really want the urine in the water washing ALL OVER YOUR ENTIRE BODY?

Awww, it’s such a weak solution, your body hardly notices. Plus, it’s relatively sanitary (unlike other waste products). Hell, people used to brush their teeth with the stuff.

If you go swimming in an ocean, river, stream, etc., you’re getting fish piss all over you anyway, along with rotting bits of dead fish, whale sperm, diesel fuel, sewage, and all the solid junk people dump in the water.

It’s the thought of swimming in people piss that grosses you out, but that’s actually much less nasty, since it’s clean water that’s over-chlorinated, with a little bit of sanitary piss in it. If you drank a glass of it, you would probably be fine.

Sometimes I take a dump in the water fountain at work. Y’know, just for a bit of variety.

But I would never pee in the pool. That’s just nasty.

Let me amend my statement about the safety of drinking a glass of poolwater that’s been peed in. That would be true if all people did was pee in the pool. But the real truth is that suntan lotion, body oils, pleghm (sp?), fecal matter from insufficiently wiped bottoms, spit, and all the rest are in that pool. A little urine is nothing in comparison.


Well, let’s face it, if you walk up and pee in a pool you’re not swimming in, people aren’t going to invite you to their parties anymore.

Urine and sweat are essentially the same thing. Unless you cover yourself head to toe with Speedstick on hot days, you’re getting the same effect anyway.

I have a friend whose father works on a Navy base that has a pool–they use it for training, and there are community swimming functions as well. She told me once how many gallons of urine per week they estimate has to be filtered out–I don’t remember the number now, but it was impressive.

Usually I try not to pee in a pool but sometimes tehre isn’t much choice. When we are on the road we stay at a motel with a pool. My husband and I both like to swim.
Most motel pools don’t have a ladies room near the pool so if I have to pee i pee in the pool.
There is a beach on the river not far from our house. We go there to cool off on hot days.
There is nothing there but the beach. Sometimes I go in the river just to pee in it.

Zombies don’t swim.

14 years later, I’m pretty sure that the pool cleaner has gotten it all taken care of.

Honestly, peeing in the pool is nbd. So many other people do it, that it wouldn’t be worth anyone’s time to go to the nasty bathroom.

The tenant in 344
Won’t pee in the pool any more.
It’s amusing to some,
But not when it’s done
From his balcony on the third floor!

Yeah but what about the 2 liters of sweat your body can produce in an hourly basis? That doubles the amount of pee you could excrete at the very least, for most people it triples the amount they excrete on an hourly basis. And since pee is like 90% water and 10% trichloramines and other stuff that is also found in sweat it’s really no problem. I bet people have peed in whatever pool u/your relatives own way more than you’d expect.