Pit daylight savings time here!

Is there a “set” button on your radio that you use to set favorite radio stations into the memory? If your car is like mine, the “set” button acts as a clock setter when the radio is turned off. From there, you use the left and right tuning arrows to set the hours and minutes on the clock.

As far as Daylight Saving Time goes, I’ve been looking forward to setting the clocks back and getting an extra hour of sleep since the beginning of October. And I think we should stay on standard time all year. In the winter, it’s easier to get up in the morning for work when it’s light out. In the summer, it’s easier to get to sleep when it’s been dark out longer.

This year is pretty sweet for me. I have a job this fall in Ohio, and got that extra hour of sleep this weekend. But when I go back to college in the spring in Indiana, I won’t lose that hour in April because Indiana doesn’t do Daylight Saving Time.

I grew up in Illinois, and I can say that from around the age of about, oh, 10 or 11, I hated the time change. What a big ol’ PITA it was.

Now I live in Indiana, and I love not having to change my clocks. And since I no longer work in Illinois, I don’t have to deal the time change in that respect, either. I still have to deal with it from the standpoint that my hubby still works in Illinois - so he’s getting off of work an hour later now. Yes, it also means he starts work an hour later, but not too many places of business are open at 6:30 in the morning. :wink:

Ah well, that’s my two cents’ worth.

I’ll see when it’s time to go home. There is a button labelled “Clock”, but pressing it or pressing and holding it doesn’t seem to do anything related to the clock that I can see. That would just make too much sense, wouldn’t it…

I’m really glad our VCR clock sets itself. I don’t like setting the clocks because it makes me feel so dumb when I have trouble doing it.

Oh, and I don’t like how it gets dark early after we go back on Standard Time, either. The drivers on the freeways around here are bad enough in daylight.

One of mine, I had to hold down clock while using the Tune Up/Down button to adjust the time. Worth a try

And I’m already starting to forget how I did it… sigh… Thanks for all your help, though.

Let’s, see… 8-5 is nine hours long. And let’s say it takes a half hour to travel to work and another half hour home. That’s ten hours. And let’s say you want at least another hour of light to exercise outdoors; that’s eleven hours.

At this time of year in Orlando, you only have eleven hours of sunlight. Near the end of October that one and only hour of non-work/travel sunlight was in the afternoon after you came home from work. Once we switched back to Standard Time, that extra hour of sunlight is in the morning. It’s still there. It’s not lost. It’s just not where you’d like it to be for your outdoor exercise.

However, by the solstice, (only seven weeks away) you’ll only have ten hours and twenty minutes of sunlight. This means, no matter whether we are on ST or DST, you won’t have any daylight time outside of work to exercise, whether in the morning or the afternoon.

It’s not switching between Daylight Saving and Standard Time that’s the problem… you’re loosing daylight because you’re approaching the solstice.

Speaing of ignorance…

Farmers (I assume you’re speaking about that less than 2% of the country that still milks cows) don’t milk at sunrise and haven’t for several decades; they milk every 12 hours on a small operation and every 8 hours on a large operation. They get to switch the clocks along with everyone else, especially if they’re early on the milk truck run - the creamery switches clocks too, you see. Where’d you find this “shift the time you get up all year long!” bullshit? Your ass?

Secondly, I live at 45 degrees N. The stupid time switch you’re so vociferously defending means that on winter solstice the sun rises about the time most people start work (7:54) and sets before they get off of work (4:35). If the time wasn’t changed we’d at least get half an hour of sun after work. I’d much rather have that little bit of sun than none at all.

But, hey, if you wanna argue that I’m not losing any sun, have at it. :wally:

Ummm, let’s see… you’re mad at me for defending Standard Time? Because, it is Standard Time (and not Daylight Saving Time) at the Winter Solstice. Even before the invention of DST, we simply had ST. And it is and always has been ST at the Winter Solstice.

So, you’re making the argument we should keep DST all year round? That’s a new one.

Hey, I have an idea, let’s set the clocks back eight hours and keep it that way all year round, that way, all our free time will be daylight! :rolleyes:

I’m confused. Are you saying that I said that the hour just disappeared? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:. I must have been stupid to say that! Wait, I said I lost the use of the hour.

that’s partially true, and partially due to being on Standard time. With just DST, I’d get several more months of decent hours of daylight, for the schedule which most companies make you work.

I’m just annoyed that we don’t get any interest. We give away an hour every Spring, we get it back every October–with nothing to show for it!

If I put 100 bucks in a savings account in April and withdrew it in October I’d have $100.06 (or so).

So, while I was thrilled that I got that sleep-time that I gave up months ago back, I think The Powers That Be owe me a few seconds more. Maybe even a minute.

A bit late in the the thread, but I loved this:

I now have this image of some fascist government demanding frolicking.

Achtung! Attention! Ze morning frolicking vill commence at 7:17 a.m. promptly! Please to be reporting to ze appointed frolicking zone now! At ze sound of ze vhistle, frolic!

You, you zhere! You are not frolicking! Do not force us to use ze hose! :smiley:

Oh, so you like DST. But this is the tread for pitting DST. You want this thread: Pit standard time here!