Pit daylight savings time here!

Everyone has the one co-worker who shows up to work an hour late every Spring, but never shows up an hour early in Fall.

I won’t Pit the institution, but I will Pit the way it is implemented.

See, they should have us set the clocks forward in April, at three o’clock on a Friday afternoon.

And the Fall back in October, needs to be at six on a Monday morning.

There. I am now officially a benefactor to mankind. :cool:

Midnight shift was pretty pissed about it last night.

Daylight Saving Time is an bad idea gone badder. :slight_smile:

In most counties of Indiana, we haven’t changed our clocks in many years. Trust me, it works just fine. There’s no loss of sleep, no real loss of daylight hours, no headaches from electronic clocks.

I’d like to see the entire country on a static time zone. [Jewish Mother] What could be so terrible? [/JM]

I was awake at 2:00 AM, the suggested time change hour, as usual. I got a prank phone call that caused the time on my caller ID to change, so that I remembered to change all the other clock functions on things that don’t change automatically.

Then I wrote a note to myself to report the call on Monday. Don’t prank me from a dorm room, dude. It shows me exactly where you are. :dubious:

You are cruel. Setting up idiots to be ridiculed.

Well, idiots, here it goes…

At the winter solstice, we use Standard Time. There are only about nine hours of daylight ranging from sunrise at 7:20 AM to 4:35 PM. If you get up at 7 AM. It’s starting to get light.

If we stayed with Standard Time all year round, then we would have, in the temperate zones of our globe, at the Summer Solstice, 15 hours of daylight ranging from 4:30 AM to 7:30 PM. That’s right, 4:30 AM the sun would rise at ST. If you get up at 7 AM, the sun has already beat you by two and a half hours. Two and a half hours!

DST shifts the naming of the time of the hours by one. And so, during DST at the Summer Solstice, the sun rises at what we’re now calling “5:30 AM” and sets at “8:30 PM.” In effect, everybody agrees to get up an hour earlier and follow the same schedule, simply by resetting their clocks. If you think setting all your clocks is a chore, imagine being a business and posting your summer hours v. your winter hours (and, being a customer, trying to keep track of all those businesses and their non-standard way of changing their hours throughout the year).


You’re just shifting your daily schedule by an hour you morons, so you’re not sleeping away beautiful daylight hours you can be frolicking in.

If you’re a farmer who has to milk the cows at sunrise, you have to shift the time you get up all year long! You already change the time you get up, all year long. DST means setting the ‘regular time’ by an hour backwards and your ‘alarm time’ an hour forward and, presto, no difference. Except that you still have to shift your time getting up by five minutes every week all year long since the sun doesn’t rise the same time all year long.

If you’re going to complain about DST, don’t do it out of ignorance.

Happy now, Qadgop?

Who pissed in your cornflakes?

In effect, everybody is forced…

I know many businesses which have summer and winter hours, and still we all manage to muddle through. In fact, I have summer and winter hours myself, tending to adjust my sleep schedule to follow the sunlight. Many people are able to adjust for the tilt of the earth’s axis without help from our government, thanks.

Well, duh. Everybody knows that over the course of the year, it evens out. Of course in the short (6-month) term, you DO gain or lose an hour, which is mighty inconvenient to some – for example, midnight shift workers mentioned upthread.

Again, duh. What’s stopping the people who really don’t want to waste two-and-a-half hours (two-and-a-half hours!) from getting up earlier, if daylight frolicking is important to them? Why should daylight frolicking be enforced on everybody?

Ah, the farmers. So many hundreds of millions of them adjusting their rising times to the cows’ needs – sure makes sense for the whole country to get up with the cows, don’t you think? But as you point out, the farmers already adjust the start of their day by small increments every week, and DST does nothing to save them this trouble.

I’m sure I’m ignorant about some aspects of the topic, and you’ll be along to set me straight. Thanks for that; your sweet tone really makes me want to learn more from you! :rolleyes:

Well I’d like to pit DST for turning last night into a frigging pain in the ass!

At 2AM last night, it suddenly became 1AM, turning my shift at my first job from an 8 hour shift into a 9 hour shift (and my total work “day” from 12 hours, including my second job, to 13 hours straight).

If that wasn’t bad enough, in addition to my other duties which keep my busy during the overnight shift, there were 7 or 8 computer systems in the NOC (network operations center) that needed to have their time re-set… some of them did so automatically, when they were not previously known to do so, thus requiring extra-careful monitoring for the rest of the shift to ensure that salvos took place at the correct times and other programming went off correctly.

As if that wasn’t a PITA enough, apparently the digital boxes of MANY subscribers didn’t weather the time change well, and I got many, many calls regarding outages. The program that we use to monitor subscriber information is managed by a different company, and they took down their software for 3 hours to change the time stamps; so pulling any subscriber information was next to impossible (I had to manually write out the names and phone numbers, and look them all up later, after the software was again available).

In addition, the Adult-On-Demand channels decided to take down their network for an hour or so to re-set their clocks, thereby ensuring that I’d get a whole flood of calls regarding THAT (and no one is more pissed than a guy who’s porn is cut off in mid-whack!).


On top of a crappy work day, now I can’t sleep! I’m sitting here in my underwear, currently without sleep for the past 28 hours, doing shots of tequila and surfing the SDMB, hoping that I can go to sleep soon… thank God tomorrow is my day off!

Not a big fan of DST, here… nope.

<checking the sign above the door> The BBQ Pit

Yep, first clueless moron checking in.

Anyone else want to expose your ignorance of DST and what forum your in?

It’s the transition that I hate the most; I don’t really care what time it gets light or dark.

No, you don’t get an extra hour in bed, not if you have kids - you lose each way; their body clocks don’t magically get put back an hour at the end of October, so instead of letting you enjoy a nice lie-in, they wake up (at a time that the clock now says is an hour earlier than normal) and demand breakfast.
In April, you lose anyway because you have to drag them out of bed (at a time that feels, to them, lika an hour too early) so they won’t be late for school.

And this is why I am glad to be back to a latitude between the tropics, where the difference is such that it’s not worth it going to DST.

Really, I didn’t care about the time on the clocks, it was the very idea of it being pitch-black night before 5pm that really got me bent out of shape about living in the “temperate” zone. Seasonal Affective Disorder, my ass, it was Seasonal I’ll-Fuckin-Kill-Ya-Motherfuckers-Then-Myself-the-World-Sucks-Where’s-My-Pills Disorder.

I just want to compliment elucidator for telling the joke with the highest number of confusing words to a non-English-speaker ever! :slight_smile:


Playing in the Pit does not give you license to be a jerk :wally

Fuck it all. Let’s stay on Daylight Savings Time YEAR ROUND! Who the hell needs daylight in the morning anyway.

My question is this: given that the hour between 2 a.m. and 3 a.m. is repeated on Sunday morning, but only the second version of it counts, did any of y’all commit any hijinks during the first version?

Me, I snuck onto late-night TV and mooned the nation.

God I love that do-over hour we get once a year!


I used to hate changing the clocks, but now that I am working the hours I am, I welcomed it this fall. Last week, I was going to work in the dark, coming home in the dark, and praying that I had a minute or two to go have a cigarette just so I could see some daylight. Now I actually get to see sunlight in the morning while I wait for the train. Yay!

Short of being totally confused all day yesterday as to what time it was…

Radio announcer: “It is now 20 minutes before…(smartini listens closely)…the hour.”

Hell, I know it’s an hour, but which hour???

Guess he was confused too.

Otherwise I am fine with it. I tend to do what I’m told when I can’t have any real impact on it.

Anyone from Arizona? I think they just say 'it’s too damn hot out here to have more daylight so we pass, thank you very much"…is that correct?

mmm morning glories :slight_smile:

try their night blooming cousins…moonflowers

even better :slight_smile:
or if this is a whoosh and you don’t even have morning glories…well…try both


We should go to DST the entire year…in summer, there are enough hours to go around on both sides of the working day.

However, when we switch to standard, here in Florida what was a 7PM sunset is now beneficially adjusted to…6???

When I am working a standard 8-5 shift, and I come home and have no more sunlight to run or bike in since we are on standard time, and you say I am not losing the use of an hour of daylight…BULLSHIT!

After he’s done setting your VCR’s, could you send him over here? I need someone to help me figure out how to set the clock on my car radio. I don’t touch it other than going on or off DST, which is long enough for me to forget how to do it.