Just pay the goddamn tip or don’t use the service you cheapass piece of shit.
Don’t start a whole thread just to try and justify screwing over delivery drivers because they’re the only people you can screw. Funny how you have zero problem whatsoever with the extra bullshit fees the restaurant and DoorDash/UberEats/whatever charges, but suddenly it’s “too expensive” when it comes to paying the only person you will actually interact with.
Have you not noticed literally nobody in that thread agrees with you, not even a little bit?
Nobody gives a shit how it “used to work.” How it used to work has ZERO bearing on how it DOES work NOW.
And you know what else? It doesn’t matter how far they had to drive to bring you your food, what you are paying for IS THE DELIVERY ITSELF, PERIOD. All of your math and calculations are just more bullshit justification.
Fuck you you fucking fuck. Pay the tip or take your cheap lazy ass over there and get your food your goddamn self.
While I don’t like cheap-ass mother fuckers, I REALLY don’t like cheap-ass mother fuckers who try to justify their behavior with shitty excuses. I’m reminded of a former coworker who used to complain about the 18% large party gratuity that some restaurants charge for groups of 6 or more. They’d bitch and moan and say “I hate being forced to tip. If they’re going to force me to pay 18%, I’m not paying a penny over that.”
Dude, I’ve been to lunch with your cheap-ass before. When there isn’t an automatic gratuity you toss a dollar on the table for your $12 meal and call it a day. If it’s a place where I’m a regular, I usually toss them an extra $5 or $10 when you’re not looking just so I won’t look like a shithead through association. I typically solve that long term by not going to lunch with them any more, but with coworkers that isn’t always avoidable.
Think about what you’re saying. It matters how much I pay if a delivery is 3 miles versus 25 miles. A longer delivery should cost more and a shorter delivery should cost less.
You assert that like an absolute truth. Yet it doesn’t seem to be one, given that the app itself doesn’t charge differently based on how far people drive. In fact, no delivery service I’ve ever known of does that. They just deliver out to a specific covered area.
That you think this is an unassailable truth is exactly the problem. Since it is at odds with the real world, you come off as just making an excuse to do what you want. That seems to be the core issue whenever people get this upset at you.
The reality is that no one else pays more for a longer delivery, so it doesn’t even out for that delivery driver when you pay less for a shorter one.
I mean, he’s been given multiple cites about how Doordash payments and tips work and he’s sticking with “some guy told me”, so it feels like a lost cause.
First up Max - “something subpar happened to me and I survived, so everyone else should suck it up and have that experience too” is all kinds of fucked up.
Second - there’s a pandemic. I assume you’ve noticed. Just in case you haven’t though, I’ll repeat it: A PANDEMIC. Drivers are exposing themselves daily to the germ-ridden cesspool that the US has become. I can’t make Doordash pay them a living wage, but I can pay the drivers a fair amount for bringing me my food, AKA tip them.
Twenty-five? No wonder the thinks he knows everything. It’s a loooong way down off that high horse when you fall. Voice of experience speaking. It happened to me when I was 20. He’s overdue.
The key to solving being an idiot, in my opinion, is not asking if you’re an idiot; it’s asking how you’re an idiot. Clearly, he hasn’t done that, either, let alone realize he is, in fact, an idiot.
I mean, it’s kind of his MO to assert as absolute truth his own bizarre, byzantine interpretation of whatever set of “rules” apply in a given situation.