Pitting My Wife (We vote today)

I see. Down here we’d call her a “special interest.”


I thought the pitting was going to be over your wife not bothering to vote. Your wife (and I) have the right to vote today because of a lot of brave women who fought for that right for women. Damn right I’m going to vote today.

My husband and I don’t really know who the other votes for, either. We are very compatible politically, so I suspect it will be the same party, but it isn’t our business for whom a private citizen votes.

I brifely considered voting Marxist-Leninist.
Partly because I just love the irony.

However, I am reconciled to voting for the dumbass encumbant in my riding, because I quite respect the leader. I suspect my husband votes the same way, though we’ve never dicussed it in detail.

Up until now I had thought that Canadians were mostly harmless, if a little bit eccentric. Now I realize that Canadians have a large contingent of somewhat annoying middle aged wankers who have tightened sphincters because their wimmin folk will drive to the voting place regardless of whether they walk, jog or bike their themselves.

Remember, by not riding in the car with your spousal unit, the vehicle weighs less and the vehicle would get better mileage as a result. Of course, a woman, a woman!, will take a short detour to shop, more than using up savings.

Life increases our carbon footprint.

They’re now just outside Sid Smith, in the courtyard. I can personally attest to this. :slight_smile:

And a hearty screw you to the OP from someone who’s voting orange this election. Wah wah, my wife doesn’t agree with me–here’s a stepladder to get over yourself. :rolleyes:

There is at least one riding in this election (argh…I can’t find it now) with a Communist candidate and a Marxist-Leninist candidate. I’d love to have seen that debate.

BTW, go vote. Maybe your wife won’t fill in her ballot correctly and then you won’t cancel each other out. Or vice versa judging by the OP.

You’re being childish and petty. While your concern for the environment is laudible, being a mature husband and civic-minded voter is more important. If you’re so worried about the carbon emissions, as somebody else pointed out you can always find something else to do on your trip to vote.

Six miles? If you’re so concerned about your carbon footprint, walk.

Anyway, you’re not going to have much effect on the environment by skipping a short trip that you make once every few years.

I think the leaders of all the registered political parties should have been in the debate. I would like to see the leaders of the Marijuana Party, the Christian Heritage Party, the Neo-Rhino Party, and the Marxist-Leninist party in the same place at the same time.

Why not. If they let a party in with no elected MP who has made it clear that she’d be willing to sell her party out in favour of ABC (Anyone But Conservative) then the rest of them should join in too.

I’m kidding of course. God, can you imagine the chaos?

Paikin: Mr. Harper, you have 7 seconds to respond to that.

I was in Waterloo a few weeks ago and I was flipping through the channels and I watched a few minutes of the local debate. There was a Libertarian, a Communist, and a Canadian Action Partier (CAPper? that sounds a bit better). They should have their own debate, just like they do with Toronto mayoral debate. The main candidates get their own debate and everyone else gets their 5 entertaining minutes on TV.

Did I ever complain about who she’s voting for?
No ! In fact IMHO the NDP has been essential to our cherished Canadian way of life. I merely thought that both my wife and I could have saved ourselves both some energy by exercising our franchise between the two of us.

There’s been a few posts suggesting who my wife votes for is none of my business. Its okay to get consent to examine every orifice of her body and ask her what she’d like for intimacy, but to ask her who she’ll vote for crosses the line.:confused:

I’m in a cranky mood today and in desperate need of a chai latte, and that could have been phrased better. Sincere apologies.

That said, why does it matter if your votes cancel each other out? A lot of people’s votes will cancel each other out. The important thing is to vote in the first place.

Sure ya did, buddy. “No problem honey, we have an agreement that if neither of us vote, it cancels out”…

Then, using Harper as your moral compass, you sneak out of the house, whip down to the polling station and cast your nefarious vote!

I’m watching you!

I love the SDMB. I just looked up the Marxist-Leninist party on Wikipedia:

That sounds like a fun political rally.


If I convince my wife not to vote along with me then we’ve cancelled each other out. If we both go to the polls, then we’ve cancelled each other out. The outcome is exactly the same except each of our parties are short $1,75.

Of course cancelling someone else’s vote is essentially what most votes accomplish unless you vote near closing time.

In any case, as the day wears on I’m getting more and more excited about going to the polling station with my wife, and go through the ritual once again.

6 miles? I only had to go down to the Party Room in my building. Didn’t even need to go outside! :slight_smile:

You’re being insanely pouty and childish. The act of voting in a free society is much more than just the mechanical exercise you seem to think it it is, and then you have the gall to get on some asinine moral green perch about minimizing your mutual carbon footprints to justify your pettiness.

I feel so sorry for her. You sound like an amazing and incredibly clueless trial to live with.

If the two of you don’t mind telling each other who you vote for, that’s your business. If she tells you to buzz off because you give her too hard a time about it, I’d support that, too.

SpazCat, while you were at it, did you look up The Greatest Canadian of All Time, Tommy Douglas - father of Universal Healthcare in Canada and grandfather of Kiefer Sutherland?