Plane or no Plane? [Pentagon 9/11 (ed. title)]

Flipping through FM channels this afternoon I came across a channel referring to a documentary movie called Loose change no. 2…Got home and googled the movie and of course as most of you know, it produced “facts” to show that Bush knew about 7/11 long before he admitted he did…that an American aircraft could not have smashed into the Pentagon without leaving a trace of the proper engines and the like.

If this has been discussed in full years ago, please inform me with the answer as to how the appropriate aircraft essentially left no trace after hitting the Pentagon.

Could a Cruise missle have done this?

I would say that no plane hit the Pentagon on 7/11.

This thread has been done several times in the past. It was definitely an aircraft that hit the Pentagon. The reason it didn’t leave much recognizable debris is because aircraft are made out of aluminum (like pop cans) and the Pentagon section that was hit was the newly renovated section that was reinforced with all kinds of blast proofing. Large pop can travelling at hundreds of miles per hour hitting solid stationary object equals little bits of pop can everywhere. Nothing resembling the original pop can would be left behind.

But let’s say it was a missile. Where did it come from? Who fired it? (I presume for conspiracy’s sake that it was the evil minions of the Zionist-Crusader Military Industrial Capitalist Running Dog Lackeys) It’s not like you can just go down to Wal-Mart and get a cruise missile off the shelves. You can’t make them at home and expect any degree of accuracy (ask the Palestinians about that one). And each and every missile that the US has in it’s inventory would be numbered and accounted for. So where did this mystery missile come from? Why hasn’t anyone come forth to say “Hey, one of our missiles went missing in the first week of Sept 2001!” Also, according to Wikipedia, there are 1000 pounds of high explosive in a Tomahawk cruise missile. It flies at 880km per hour. I have a feeling that would have left a bigger hole.

Most importantly and hopefully most likely to take the wind out of bizarre conspiracy threads, what happened to the passengers?! There were real people on American Airlines Flight 77 that day. Tell me where they went if they weren’t on the plane. Families drove these victims to the airport that day. Were these 64 people taken away (by black helicopters perhaps) and murdered? And no one happened to notice these 64 people being escorted out of the airport at the time? 5 of the passengers on the flight were under 12 years of age. Do you believe that the US government is willing to murder children for the sake of this conspiracy? Do you believe that with all this murdering going on no one would ever find out about it or have a pang of conscience and talk?

The missile you’re looking for is a Boeing 757-223. End of story.

There was a gigantic plane-sized hole in the side of the Pentagon, and no matter what you’ve heard there were parts that were visibly from an airplane. Oh, and a thousand or more eyewitnesses at the scene saw a great big airplane crash into the Pentagon. If those aren’t “traces,” I don’t know what would be.

This issue has been done to death. The notion that the Pnetagon was not hit by an airplane is a preposterous falsehood. It is exactly as nutty as saying that the Sears Tower is made of bacon. It’s a ridiculous Internet fairy tale.

You mean it isn’t?

Sorry, I’ve lost my train of thought. What’s this about a cruise missile hitting a 7-11?

Do people really believe that:

  1. 4 planes took off never to return
  2. Three of them are perfectly accepted to have hit the two towers and a field and Pennsylvania.
  3. Air Traffic control tracked the 4th one to the Pentagon area.
  4. Yet, the plane was somehow saved, taken to unknown place, the passengers could be anywhere now, the airplane was carefully switched with a missile, and the missile was what was used and largely failed on the target.

This is a serious question. Is there a group of joke conspiracy theorists that fight among themselves to come up with the stupidest thing people will believe as a stunt? I hope that is true but the fact that people fall for it and line up at these boards indicates the original liars could believe it themselves.

This particular conspiracy theory disturbs me because the logic should seem immediately obvious to anyone.

Snakes or no Snakes?

As I’ve mentioned in previous threads about this, I know someone who saw the plane heading towards the Pentagon. The guy was Arlington County FD at the time and was out on a call when he and his crew saw the plane going low and fast in the direction of the Pentagon. As a result he was one of the first firefighters on the scene.

I know this is hearsay, so take it for what it’s worth.

How else ya gonna get the drop-safe open?

You do realise this means the terrorists have already won?

…Got home and googled the movie and of course as most of you know, it produced “facts” to show that Bush knew about 7/11 long before he admitted he did…that an American aircraft could not have smashed into the Pentagon without leaving a trace of the proper engines and the like.

If this has been discussed in full years ago, please inform me with the answer as to how the appropriate aircraft essentially left no trace after hitting the Pentagon.

Could a Cruise missle have done this?

Sorry, I was going to say something about “loose screw” instead of “loose change”, but before I realized what was happening a government official in a black raincoat was forcing me to hit the submit button prematurely, and

Nice summary, my thoughts exactly.

How about this: Loose Change is a plot by the right to make liberals look like a bunch of lunatics.

I had a friend who believed that it couldn’t possibly have been a plane because the hole in the wall wasn’t wide enough for the body of a plane to have gone through there. ‘Did you see that hole? It was only about 15 feet wide!’

He didn’t have much of an answer when I told him that the fuselage of a 757 is only 12.5’ wide.

A lot of the ‘conspiracy theories’ about the whole Pentagon thing can be debunked with relatively easy to find facts, and even the photographs on their own websites.

I got hit by Slurpee once when I went to 7/11

In 1960 for 20 minutes?

For 20 minutes? Must’ve been a big Slurpee.

I read thru all the replies and I wish to thank you all for showing me how foolish it was to entertain such a balderdash idea that “Loose change one and two” might have had some merit in it. The convincing argument, however, was that the Sears Tower is NOt made of bacon. :smack:

Those who support 9/11 conspiracy theories are not above using manipulated video footage.

Oh, but just imagine if it was… Homer moment