Plant identification (Fruit-bearing tree)

What kind of tree is this?

Looks like a pawpaw tree (Asimina triloba) to me.

Looks like some kind of plum to me.

Whereabouts is it? That might help narrow it down.

I’m in Bavaria, east of Nürnberg. Silenus’s suggestion led me to this video of some pawpaws in Germany. But I don’t think the leaves are right. The fruit are currently about the size of… the end joint of a thumb. I’m not sure how helpful that is, though, because they might just be small, or they might still have a lot of growing to do. Next to it is an apple tree that produced tiny, ripe apples so this tree might just have small fruit, too.

I’m pretty sure it’s a plum of some kind, looking more carefully.

There’s some visible dropped fruit turning purple, could be a damson? The one at work has fruit about that size right now, but there’s quite a bit of variety, and they do hybridise a bit. Did it have little white flowers in early spring?

It is a damson.

Definitely NOT a paw paw.

Damson plum. It is a European plum variety.

Damson, they make good pies and jam :slight_smile: . Could be an idea to net them against birds.

Not that I want to diminish the SDMB’s utility, but I recently picked up this free plant identification app called PlantSnap. You can take a photo or use one from your photo library and it identifies it.

I tested it on a few garden plants I knew and it nailed them all. I’ve been using it to identify some plants and tree I don’t know now.

Please don’t - birds can get caught, and it also means they can’t eat - they may need the plums more than you do!

There is also Google Lens. It failed with this particular photo, but it is almost scary how good it is at identifying things sometimes. There have been times that it has identified plants and animals down to the correct species from photos that I’ve taken.

Doesn’t look like a pawpaw to me either. Their fruits are more irregular, kind of like a small green potato without the eyes. Also they’re not clustered. And the leaves are big and long, with the widest spot definitely closer to the tip than the base.

Pawpaws grow wild around here and ripen about Labor Day. They’re not edible for long, their ripe season being very short.

Thanks. I just used that app to identify the other fruit tree in my yard. I have peaches!!! I love it. So far, I have two apple trees (Golden Delicious), a peach tree, a damson tree, blue berries, raspberries, black berries, gooseberries, strawberries and rhubarb.

You’re welcome!

So to be clear - the one we thought was a pawpaw is a peach tree?

No, that one is a damson plum. There is also a peach tree. It has fuzzy green fruits, that I figured might be some kind of peach or kiwi or something. Planstsnap says it’s a peach. Can’t wait to see them ripen. I have all kinds of stuff in this yard. Three different color roses–white, pink and red; tulips, lavender, and also probably every kind of weed that exists.