It’s that time of year again for college students–Pre-registration! So, I once again found myself engaging in one of my duties this morning: advising young, impressionable undergraduate Geology majors.
It is not as exciting as it sounds. First, most students already know what they want to take, and you’re not likely to change their mind–and if they do pretend to sway to your advice, they go back to doing what they wanted to do when the register, anyway! Second, what do students want to take? What they are required to take for the B.S. degree–and not a damn bit more.
So I got to thinking: What do I wish that all students would take? I mean, in addition to my classes–what did I take that I think all students would benefit from, regardless of major? Limiting myself to classes NOT in my field of study (which would produce a rather boring list for most folk), I came up with the following three:
Historiography. There’s no better a class for any student in any major to both learn how to do research and critically evaluate data, news, books, etc. History majors are required to take this class–but I think that everybody should.
Physical Chemistry. Thermodynamics, baby. It explains it all. There’s hardly a subject in science or life that I can’t apply a thermodynamic to!
Macroeconomics. What can’t be understood by thermodynamics can be understood by the Laws of Supply and Demand. I took this class from a pretty die-hard Libertarian, which made it that much more interesting.
So–limiting yourself to three, and staying out of your own field of study (just to be fair; I didn’t recommend Igenous Petrology, did I?)–what classes do you think that EVERY college undergrad should be required to take?