Playboy Mansion Representative

As a telepathic Empath I have endured many perceptions of my biological relatives after they had entered the state of fear and for that duration; I perceive any number of their anatomical senses as if they were my own. My querry herein involves a perception of whom I believe was the Playboy Mansions Representative; of which I have yet to distinguish any information from the media wherein I often determine certain facts of the victim(s) injuries or deaths. To present further history and insight; not only did the playboy mansion request my perspective of the subject Empathy in 1995, wherein my entry may have been entered into their Playboy article, but the representative is believed a biological relative with the same first and last name as my own. Herein I am interested in the Representaives death and motive; however, my perception suggests that a gunman entered within I must assume the Playboy Mansion wherein the Representative entered the state of fear and thereby I did perceive through a sponataneous medium; (1) his final pleas and explaination that he was not the Brian Cook in question, (2) the assailant’s response or defense of the subject Empathy, (3) a single gunshot to the Representatives chest and the tactile thereof, (4) the Representaive’s wife who exclamated of the fact and was therein shot, (5) the representative’s projection ceased. Could anyone out there disclose whether or not the Representative is alive or deceased ? and on what date ?


Hello and welcome to the SDMB.

As an introduction to the board, yours is certainly a unique one. I suspect that what you will find here is that nobody has any idea what you’re talking about. But you’re welcome to stay anyway; I’m sure many of the members will find your contributions most engaging.

Welcome to SDMB. Once I read the first sentence of your post I checked your join date and see it is recent. Something told me this is not an experienced poster. You have an interesting writing style, but coherency is not your strong suit. What is your debate? This seems more like ramblings.

So, has there ever been a murder at the Playboy Mansion?

You guys all need to just be quiet, I was hoping he’d post some pictures!

I don’t know. MPSIMS.

I think he has been here before.

This would be more of a General Question than a Great Debate, but I am not foisting this off on the GQ staff.

I am closing this thread. If velocityenergyceleritus wishes to open a question in General Questions on the same topic, I would strongly urge him or her to take a deep breath and write the question in a way that could be understood by others.

There is, or has been, an editor at Playboy named Brian Cook, but I found no reference to a murder, so I have no idea what this OP is all about.

If the MPSIMS Mods want this opened, they are welcome to re-open it. (Just don’t send it back to GD if someone starts arguing about it.)