Playing through some of the Pokemon RPGs again...tell me I'm not the only adult who enjoys them?

I’ve been playing a bit of Pokemon Silver today; about halfway through the game, actually.

I remember the first time I ever played one of these, it was Pokemon Red and Charizard lead me all the way to the end, pretty much. That was when I was about 19.
Then there was that time I shared a house with four other roommates, it was a three bedroom apartment. I was about 21 and we all had Gameboys and we all caught Pokemon fever. I swear, it ran RAMPANT through that house for about seven months. Everyone played Pokemon Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, and Silver.

Later on, when I was about 24, I enjoyed Pokemon Emerald and the LeafGreen/FireRed ones.

I haven’t played any beyond that, but I may try out some Sapphire or Ruby or Crystal after this one.

Tell me I’m not the only one? : p

hmmm? Do the crickets seem especially loud tonight?

Oh well. I’m not bothered. I just caught a Miltank, so I’m very happy. The last one I saw kicked my ass a few times during the last Gym Badge battle as the Gym Leader had one. It looks all cute and cuddly and harmless, but it’s pretty strong…and now I have my own to kick ass with. : p

Every release there is usually a thread where we talk about the game. I hadn’t played in months, having been distracted by other games, but go back to it every once and a while.

You’re not at all the only adult who enjoys them. That’s why they are big on Let’s Play channels.

My problem is that I play RPGs for the story more than for the fighting. And I just think there are way too many Pokemon in the games that actually have story. And way too many that feel like also-rans, as if all the good ideas were already taken back in the first generation.

I’d prefer a game with the Pokemon from Pokemon Snap.

I started with Pokemon Yellow, back in the 90s. My friends and I had Pokemon Fever for a couple years, too. :wink:

And then I didn’t play Pokemon until X/Y came out in, what, 2013? I picked up Pokemon Y, loved it to death (played over 650 hours!). The following year I got Pokemon Omega Ruby. Wasn’t as fond of it, but it is still fun.

I have Pokemon X and Pokemon Alpha Sapphire waiting for me on layaway. :slight_smile: I’ve started collecting low-level Pokemon and saving them to the Pokebank in preparation. I’m planning to start with Pokemon X.

Not sure how productive I’m going to be in December, with two “new” Pokemon games, and the games I have in progress already. :smiley:

I’m still slowly trying to play thru the older games before the next ones come out. I just finished HeartGold except for snagging one or two legendaries, now back to SoulSilver, then I can move all my 'Mons to Black and White…

Red, Blue, Yellow and Zelda (Link’s Awakening) are the only GameBoy games that I still play frequently. I like to break out the original Pokemon series when I travel. Very entertaining and I always loved the basic RPG format. Even though Red and Blue came out when I was in 6th grade, I still mostly enjoy starting from scratch (Weedle and Rattata are the Pokemon version of Kobolds, super annoying and in every damn field early on).

Going through Pokemon Ruby (for the first time) now.