Playlist suggestions for summer vacation to NYC, Boston and Philadelphia

Hi SD,
looking for some suggestions for songs to add to our playlist for our summer vacation driving. Taking the family for a couple weeks on the road to visit NYC, Boston and Philadelphia mainly and looking for some traveling tunes that are about the cities or at least mention the cities. Genre isn’t important.

Bonus points for songs about Harrisburg, Pa, Mystic CT and/or Vermont.

Thanks in advance,

Philadelphia Freedom
Dirty Water
Arthur’s Theme

That’s one for each major city to start off the list. Plus evidence that I’m old!
Wishing you safe travels.

Ramones: Rockaway Beach RAMONES - Rockaway Beach - YouTube
Steve Earle with the Supersuckers: N.Y.C. N.Y.C. (with the Supersuckers) - YouTube
Aerosmith: Mama Kin Aerosmith - Mama Kin (Audio) - YouTube

The Lovin’ Spoonful’s “Summer In the City.” One of the great NYC songs, possibly the first great “summer song” ever (1966).

Great video; John Sebastian is all “Lookit us, we’re lip-syncing to the record! Oops, there’s an automobile honk, yet none of us onstage has access to a car horn! I am SO HIGH.”

Laura Nyro’s masterpiece 1969 album New York Tendaberry.

For Massachusetts, the Modern Lovers’ “Roadrunner.”

Hell, the entire first Modern Lovers album (1972). It’ll also give you “Pablo Picasso,” another great NYC rock song.

Boston Fancy


New York, New York (It’s a Helluva Town)

Joni Mitchell’s “song for Sharon” - specifically the verse about going to Staten Island. Had it stuck in my head every time I’ve visited NYC.

Agree about “Dirty Water” by the Standells for Boston:

Here's a list of songs about Boston, over 90% of which I have not heard --

However, under NO circumstances should you listen to the massively depressing and actually down-on-Boston Dave Loggins song “Please come to Boston”

The entire New York album by Lou Reed

Travellin’ Man, Bob Segar.

New York State of Mind, Billy Joel.

Pennsylvania Polka

Between 18th and 19th on Chestnut Street (A Philadelphia Story)

Oooooooooo, depressing. NYC at its fin de siecle nadir. Great album, though.

Found a much more serious version on YouTube.

“Tessie” (and “Shipping Up to Boston” and nearly anything else) by the Dropkick Murphys

“Charlie on the MTA” if you want something less aggressive.

“Massachusetts” by Arlo Guthrie is more about the part of the state outside of Boston.

For Philly, I-76 by G Love and Special Sauce

For the bonus, there’s “Moonlight in Vermont”, if you want old school.

Thanks for some great suggestions. Bumping this one time for anyone that may have ideas and missed it the 1st time around.

NYC songs…

Roller Coaster Town by Garland Jeffreys

In The City by Milton