While your present, hideous, endless, phlegmy, racking cough is arguably more professional than the usual stream of uncreative obscenity directed at your computer or telephone, I cannot help but think it is not particulary healthy for us, your immediate neighbors here on the hallway. This is especially true since it seems to be cutting down on the time you spend smoking and muttering invective in the parking lot. Please go home. As a career civil servant, the sick leave you have earned probably requires scientific notation to calculate by this time. I’m only thinking of you.
But I’d like to think of something else for a few consecutive minutes.
Crook as a brown dog here, and I’d love to go home.
But I can’t - I’ve got far too much to do, and I’m working 12-14 hour days to get it done. Yes, I know I’m coughing and sputtering. Yes, I know I’ve infected three people, all of whom are now staying home. Yes, I know I have two weeks’ sick leave, and all my co-workers want me to use it.
Speak to all three of my bosses, OK? If my boss-boss wants me to go home, she’ll move the deadlines I have for her, but that’s no good if my project manager or my uberboss won’t move theirs.
Sick leave is a nice idea, but it never works in practice.