This is one is a little difficult. It’s a “superhero” type show from the 70s.
The hero is a woman, I think. She has a bat-cave type lair.
She has a cool car, and when she drives it out of the “bat-cave,” the camera shows the car at a weird angle, as if it is driving along the side of a steep slope, but in a level direction.
I think the show you’re talking about is Electra Woman and Dyna Girl.
Electra Woman was played by Deidre Hall and it was a Sid and Marty Kroft show.
Outstanding! Thanks so much.
By the way, I ran a few searches and found some Electra Woman & Dyna Girl web sites. The second image on this page – – is exactly the image I remember and was trying to describe in the OP.
Thanks again.