Electra Woman and Dyna Girl

Remember these two from Saturday mornings? I think they were of the Krofft family. I was just thinking that I can’t recall any of their enemies. For that matter, little about them except that they ‘both worked for a magazine’ and had very large hair.

Any help, Dopers?

“This is going to take a special blend of psychology and extreme violence.”

I have absolutely no idea what this topic is about. At all.

Well, I tried the almighty google search engine, and this is what I got:

But it ain’t enough.


“This is going to take a special blend of psychology and extreme violence.”

Here’s more than anybody really needs to know about EW&DG:

Oh My, such happy memories of happy Saturday mornings so long ago. In addition to Electrawoman how about: The Lost Saucer, Dr. Shrinker, Ark II, and my personal favorite Land of the Lost. Was I ever in love with Holly!! When I was 12 she was a hot number!

Electra Woman was played by Deidre Hall.

I don’t know who that is, but I believe she’s a notoriously famous woman in the US.


The Legend Of PigeonMan

  • Shadow of the Pigeon -
    Weirdo of the Night

The theme to EW and DG (and several other 70’s kid’s shows) can be heard at:

I dunno about notorious-a quick look on IMDB says she’s best known for ‘Days of Our Lives’ and is a Hallmark spokesperson.

Of course, Hallmark is part of the Trilateral Commission and must be destroyed, but that shouldn’t reflect poorly on Ms. Hall.



“This is going to take a special blend of psychology and extreme violence.”

All right, everybody into the way-back machine:

  1. Super power twins, unite!

  2. Sim-sim, salabim.

  3. Rosan-Cobar!

  4. Just a rock-pickin’ minute…

  5. Zoinks!

  6. Jenkies!

Can anybody place these gems? Oh, and who was it that needed to chew Oxygum to breathe under water?

  1. The correct quote is “Wonder twin powers, activate” Of course that is from Zan and Jana of The Superfriends.
  2. Hadji from Jonny Quest.
  3. ?
  4. Fred Flintstone
  5. Shaggy
  6. Velma

Try our fried pies.

The answer to Opus’ extra credit question is Marine Boy or SubMarine Boy, I don’t remember exactly, but I loved that cartoon when I was a kid.

Try our fried pies.

Wasn’t Rosan Cobar from the ‘Arabian Nights’ show that (I think) was part of the Banana Splits show?

One Banana, Two Banana, Three Banana, Four…

“This is going to take a special blend of psychology and extreme violence.”

How about: Oh zephyr winds which blow on high, life me now so I can fly!

Awww. You guys did this just because you know how much I missed sending threads to MPSIMS during the board outage, didn’t you. Gosh, that was sweet. Thanks!

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The Mighty Isis, of course.

When someone annoys you it takes 42 muscles to frown. But it takes only 4 muscles to extend your arm and whack them in the head.

I knew I had the Zan & Jana quote wrong, but I figured it was close enough for somebody to be able to ID it & correct me.

And Spaky got in just under the buzzer with the correct answer to Rosan Cobar.

Now those were some role models.

Sorry- Spanky.

I don’t have typo superpowers :frowning:

Yapple Dapple

The Legend Of PigeonMan

  • Shadow of the Pigeon -
    Weirdo of the Night

Baboo! That one got on my nerves a little.

Wasn’t that some sort of ghost guy?