This is going to be a cumbersome and unweildy way to present my problem but I think in th long run will be the best way. In these two threads my problem is described, and many solutions are suggested, all of which were tried and all of which failed.
Can anybody else think of any other possible thing? I have tried other things, but over the course of the nearly year that this has been happening it is impossible for me to remember everything, so if you suggest something that was not listed in these forums, forgive me if I reply that it has been unsuccessfully tried already.
Once again I promised a website and once again it was late because I can’t get the friggin pages to load so that I can check them. I would just throw this friggin piece of junk in the trash, but as I work at home I MUST have a computer to have a job, and I certainly can’t afford a new one. Besides, like alot of people these days, I have built up quite a cybersocial life that I hate to leave.
I want to reiterate that this has happened with both ISPs so that’s not it, it has happened with both dial-up and DSL so it’s not the modem, and it only happens with IE and OE - it never happens when downloading files, it never happens in IRC, it never happens in AIM, it never happens on my son’s game servers, it never happens on Telnet. I can work on Telnet a full 8 hours without ever experiencing any kind of lag. My son can game for 2 hours without experiencing any kind of lag. But I go on a website and simply click the back button and sit and watch the houglass for as much as three minutes before the page loads.
BTW, on this forum I am “Biggie Fries”, to let you know which post to look for my description of my problem.