The hell of it is, I won’t know if you’re right, since I’m asking on behalf of a friend. But if this rings a bell for you, please take a stab at it (and never mind the mixed metaphors.) All my friend has to go on is a scene he remembers of a bunch of men dressed in suits with top hats and canes, trying to get at a layer of hundred dollar bills which are lying on the surface of something disgusting in a big vat. They start out trying to get at the money with their canes and of course wind up wallowing around in the yuck. Apparently the scene ends with a shot of the hats floating in the stuff. My friend thinks it may be from some British comedy like Monty Python. Can you help me?
The Magic Christian
You’re sure? What the heck is that? I never heard of it.
And, thank you for answering.
It’s a 1969 movie, starring Peter Sellers and Ringo Starr. A movie about greed and
what people will do for money. Very good (if dated)pic. Wortha trip to the well-stocked video store.
The book by Terry Southern is much better.
I love this place! My friend was impressed. And I’m going to get the movie; sounds good.
…Or the book…
The scene in question is a great one.
Peter Sellers is this very wealthy man who likes to get people to do stupid things for money. He takes in Ringo as a kind of apprentice. The scene is Ringo’s first attempt
Peter Sellers looks at the set up and says something like
‘Kind of obvious.’
But the image of Rachel Welch with the whip is still burned in my mind.
If you want it
here it is, come and get
better hurry 'cause it’s going fast
To me the most memorable scene is Yul Brynner in drag (“Oh yesss!”), though I loved (a very young) John Cleese as a snooty art dealer.
Is it really Youngman Grand’s first attempt, because it’s the climax of the story?