Please ID this martial arts movie: people form into a giant crossbow, shoot fighters at foe

I probably saw it in the 80s, but I’d guess it was from the 70s.
Pretty sure it’s an import with dubbed soundtrack.

During a fight scene a bunch of guys all formed Voltron-like into a giant crossbow, or maybe a bow, and shot dudes at their opponent(s).


I meant “movie”, not “move”, in the title.

I’ve seen a lot of old time Kung Fu movies and don’t recall that one. But now I’d like to see it.

It’s much more recent than described in the OP, but it sounds like something from Enthiran, except there was no crossbow or bow in that movie. Snakes, giant balls with guns, a huge robot made out of human-shaped robots, but no crossbow.

Tripolar, you’re not alone: I’ve also seen hundreds and own dozens of old kung fu movies, but I don’t recall that scene.

I’m sure I saw it way before 2010, which is when Enthiran (which I never saw) came out.

It was probably on a Saturday afternoon “Kung Fu Theater” thing on TV in Phoenix, AZ between 1980 and 1985.

Or, I dreamed it, which is totally possible.

lemme bump this for Monday’s readers