Well, I have nothing to read (again), so I’ll be going to my local B&N today to pick up a book. I was hoping that our knowledgeable Dopers could recommend something for me…
Past books/authors I read and enjoyed are (in no particular order):
Belgariad (David Eddings) – although I’ve heard his newer stuff is pretty bad.
Magic Kingdom series (Terry Brooks)
Shannara Series (Terry Brooks) – the first set anyway, I lost interest after that.
Song of Fire and Ice (George R.R. Martin) – by far my favorite series so far.
Myth series (Robert Asprin) – for lighter reading.
One Knight Only - Peter David (particularly amusing)
Sir Apropos of Nothing - Peter David
Adept series - Piers Anthony (OK, but not great)
Science Fiction
Evolution - Stephen Baxter (although his Xeelee books don’t seem to interest me)
Flashforward - Robert Sawyer
Hominids - Robert Sawyer
Humans - Robert Sawyer
Foundation - Isaac Asimov (the first few books, anyway)
Darkness/World At War series - Harry Turtledove
Balance/Colonization series - Harry Turtledove
Q-Squared - Peter David
Imzadi - Peter David (although Imzadi II was “eh.”)
Stuff I didn’t like, couldn’t get into or have no interest in include:
Xanth series (Piers Anthony) - got old after the sixth or seventh book.
Sword of Truth (Terry Goodkind) – got old after the second or third book.
Dune (Frank Herbert) – just couldn’t get into it.
Wheel of Time (Robert Jordan) – couldn’t get into it.
Lord of the Rings (Tolkein) – tried several times to get into The Hobbit, just couldn’t do it.
So, that should give you an idea of what my tastes are in this field. Of course, I’m always willing to try something new. The only other precondition is that the book has to be available in softcover - (I’m the tightwad who’ll wait a whole extra year to save ten bucks – However, I’ll be breaking that rule for “A Feast for Crows” when [if] it ever comes out).
Thanking you all in advance,
Zev Steinhardt
P.S. I wasn’t sure if this should be in IMHO (since it’s, in essence, a poll) or Cafe Society (books). I chose the former. If it’s in the wrong forum, please feel free to move it, O gracious mods.