Please recommend uninterruptible power thingy

I use those battery-loaded power strips so that on the occasional instances of power failures, my C-pap device, my alarm clock, my cell phone charger, and my fan keep working.

I’m currently having two problems with them –

(1) When the power cuts out and the devices start working on the battery, the damn thing gives a warning beep-beep-beep every five minutes. Who’s bright idea was this? I want to be able to sleep through the power outage. Why are these beeps here to wake me up?

(2) They don’t actually seem strong enough to keep my C-pap going. There’s a noticeable drop off in air pressure.

Any recommendations for good ones? That fucking don’t beep?

I use APC SmartUPS units; you can configure them to beep or not. Most UPS manufacturers discourage the use of UPS on motorized devices such as printers, fridges, and A/C units where the current draw on motor startup can be significant – small devices like a CPAP or a small fan should be OK, though. I suggest going for a higher-capacity UPS (at least 700VA) – that should give you enough oomph to last through longish outages.

If you live in an area where there are lots of tech companies, you can probably find a place that sells refurbished units, which will save you some $$$. eBay is also a good place to find used & refurbed UPS units – again, go for local sellers, since shipping will be pricey.