Plugins don't initialize -- what do I do?

I’ve tried downloading several different things recently and I get the little pop-up message that says “the plugin did not initialize properly.” Okay, but why didn’t it, and how do I fix it?


Same goes for computer questions. :slight_smile:

We need to know what you’re trying to do, what the purpose of the downloads is and what operating system you use. Are you updating software or installing browser extensions? If not, what are you trying to do and at what point do you get the error?

I understand, Q.E.D.. I not very computer savvy, so I may need tips and instructions on what info would be helpful.

It occurs to me that I’ve probably only noticed this since purging my machine of a ton of files, which I believe were (at least mostly) dll files.

Since posting this, I’ve run System File Checker, which indicates that plugin.ocx has been altered. I gather its job is to make plugins work. It does show up in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM, so I assume it hasn’t been deleted.

I tried to download various CD rippers (to convert CD tracks to mp3 files). I also tried to download various index.dat viewers. In every attempt, the error message came up almost immediately after clicking on the download button.

I have Windows 98.

Is this your problem? It’s just a guess, pending further information, but it matches your general description of the problem.

Ah, Windows 98’s System File Checker utility will also allow you to replace altered or corrupt system files. Run the System File Checker with this option enabled. It’s been a while since I’ve used Win98, but IIRC, you must check a box labeled to that effect when you first launch the checker.

I found instructionsfor you on the Microsoft site. Hopefully that will fix the problem. The System File Checker saved my ass a number of times back when I had 98.