I have a Cassiopeia E-125. I set it up, charged it, turned it off, and locked it in a drawer. I forgot about it for a few weeks. When I came back to it both the main and backup batteries were completely empty causing the system to reset.
My questions are:
Has anyone else had this happen to them?
What’s the maximum time that I can forget about the thing without without it losing all its memory?
First a question: How can you forget about such a nifty toy?!
I have the Cassiopeia M-500 and have had no such problems. You may have a bad circuit board that’s draining the batteries. Though, mine hasn’t been left idle & unplugged for that long at a stretch.
It’s been my experiance that the main battery loses all power after a week of non-use. The backup battery should last a little longer, but it is just a watch battery and you should not rely on it at all. The moral of the story is to keep you E-125 attached to your AC Adapter whenever possible.
I intend to implement that course of action immediately.
As an interesting sidenote, I just checked on a Palm IIIc that we also have in the office and that had been left alone far longer and found it to be in perfect working order.