Pocket Whoozit is the name of a card trivia game. IMO, this has to be one of the toughest games around. Any of you hear of it? Any of you any good at it.
A buddy of mine brought it to work one day. He subsequently died, and I took it out of his office.
The version I have is “Arts and Literature.” Each card has nine thumbnail sized pictures on the front. You are supposed to identify the person from their picture. Then they have a couple of questions about each figure. (We used the questions and the answers as clues.) I averaged about one correct answer a card. My buddy was probably between 3-5.
Here are the nine on the top card I just pulled out.
- Giotto
- Will Durant
- Sylvia Beach
- Sean O’Casey
5 Otto Klemperer - Kahlil Gibran
- Sir Philip Sidney
- Sherwood Anderson
- Orlando Gibbons.
Even if you have heard of all of these folks, how many of them could you identify from their picture?
Get a load of the other available versions.
-History and Politics
-General Subjects
-and my favorite - Science and Technology!
I’d like to meet the folk who have no problem whipping through these.