Pocket Whoozit anyone?

Pocket Whoozit is the name of a card trivia game. IMO, this has to be one of the toughest games around. Any of you hear of it? Any of you any good at it.

A buddy of mine brought it to work one day. He subsequently died, and I took it out of his office.

The version I have is “Arts and Literature.” Each card has nine thumbnail sized pictures on the front. You are supposed to identify the person from their picture. Then they have a couple of questions about each figure. (We used the questions and the answers as clues.) I averaged about one correct answer a card. My buddy was probably between 3-5.

Here are the nine on the top card I just pulled out.

  1. Giotto
  2. Will Durant
  3. Sylvia Beach
  4. Sean O’Casey
    5 Otto Klemperer
  5. Kahlil Gibran
  6. Sir Philip Sidney
  7. Sherwood Anderson
  8. Orlando Gibbons.

Even if you have heard of all of these folks, how many of them could you identify from their picture?

Get a load of the other available versions.
-History and Politics
-General Subjects
-and my favorite - Science and Technology!

I’d like to meet the folk who have no problem whipping through these.

Yow! That is a tough game.

But, of the names you posted, I’d only be able to a face to Otto Klemperer. He was the commandant on Hogan’s Heroes.

Uh, uncle brewski, think about his dad the conductor!
I think I might have found an edition with all of the card sets on the web for $6! Maybe it can become a traveling dopefest mascot. Or we can make p our own cards from the people pages.

Fuck. Yer right. The commandant was Werner. Okay, so I got none right. Where’s the Science and Technology questions? I’ll bet I can hose that set, too.