This is a pretty new podcast that I’m still deciding whether it is worth my time or not.
The premise: The host, Chris Gethard, speaks with a single anonymous caller for one hour (or less, if the caller chooses to end it early) on whatever topics the caller wants. The conversations typically have a main theme but invariably branch out into a wide variety of side topics.
From Wikipedia:
I’ve only listened to 3 episodes, and I’m still getting used to the podcast’s (and Gethard’s) style. One caller was a guy, calling from work, who hated his job and his life. Another was a guy who is married with 4 kids, has a good life, but his wife has zero interest in sex. The third caller I heard was a young woman who had trouble finding/keeping the right guy.
If you are into podcasts, it’s definitely a bit different and certainly worth seeking out. I’d be interested in hearing others’ opinions.
I listen. I generally enjoy it so far but it grates on me how he says “you are definitely the most interesting caller I have had yet” or some variant in every single call. With only a handful of episodes so far that’s a low bar but it still sounds disingenuous.
I also think it’s important to mention that I don’t particularly like his voice. There’s a very loud movement to say that listeners who complain about vocal fry and upspeak and any number of other impediments and affectations are blowing a misogynistic dog whistle and would never criticize a man’s voice. Although Gethard isn’t nearly a bad as Altucher he still sounds like he has nerve damage in his throat and a malformed tongue and he’s struggling not to drown in his own saliva.
I guess that sounds pretty harsh but as I said, overall I generally enjoy it so far.