I had very good results with a product* from a company well-known for its poison-ivy rash product with Grindelia robusta, an herbal remedy know for over a century.
It relieved the itching for four to six hours at a time.
My rash also cleared up much more quickly than last year, but I don’t know if that was due to the scrub.
I’ll post the exact name if anyone is interested, and the moderator(s) won’t suspect me of advertising.
It’s a surfactant; surfactants (Wiki) “are wetting agents that lower the surface tension of a liquid, allowing easier spreading, and lower the interfacial tension between two liquids.”
Propylene glycol is used as a moisturizer in cosmetics.
Deodorized mineral spirits is, of course, paint thinner, which is related to kerosene, which has been a folk remedy for poison ivy, as it removes oils like urushiol.
I would guess that the moisturizer is added to counteract the drying effects of the mineral spirits.
Their website touts, “In addition, Tecnu Extreme contains an active ingredient to relieve itching fast!” I have no idea what that would be, unless the paint thinner has a dermatological numbing effect.
Homeopathic, note the 3X … so it has extra water added.
Sorry, Ill stick with Dome-Boro tablets and aterax [spelling]
MrAru can probably get poison iyy from looking at a picture of it, he is that allergic to it. It can go from nothing to needing major medical care in the time it takes to drive from where we live in CT to the hospital in Rochester NY [well, to be honest we were going to my parents house but sidetracked to the ER because his eyes were swollen shut. He walked past a poison ivy plant at the distance of about 3 feet. He didnt even touch it.]
Well, normally I’m not one for homeopathic remedies, but 3X implies 0.1%, so I imagine that if this ingredient actually is biologically active, it could work at that concentration.
Um, it’s not a reading comprehension issue–it’s a different web page issue. The cite I found on drugstore.com for “tecnu” didn’t happen to have the homeopathic ingredient listed. You’ve got a completely different drugstore.com page there. That’s hardly a “reading comprehension” error on my part.
Um, you posted a page for a different product. The soap’s been around for a while.
See post #4.
But let us not have a vulgar quarrel. I just had a really bad time with the rash last year, and was very pleased with this stuff.
If anyone is interested, I can do a little research at work; see if G. robusta is in the NF (probably not) or if there is a regulatory reason the stuff is labeled ‘homeopathic’.