Political Correctness Run Amuck

“Political Correctness” is thought to be something along the lines of social etiquette. A “polite” way of speaking so as not to hurt someone’s feelings. But when one peels away the veneer, one finds that there is something else at work here, something more along the lines of the sinister.

While most Americans may regard “political correctness” as something to be casually dismissed or even laughed at, political correctness, nevertheless, has encroached into almost every facet of our daily lives by masquerading it’s inherent evil under the guise of good intentions.

But this is no laughing matter. While most adults of the “Baby Boomer” generation and older can easily recognize and dismiss the ridiculous aspect of political correctness, our children, lacking a knowledge of America’s traditional history, are especially vulnerable to this orthodoxy as propagated by the institutions of public education.

Thirty years ago, school children all accross the nation began their school day with the recitation of The Pledge of Allegiance. Today, the Pledge has all but vanished from the classroom because the phrase, “to the republic for which it stands”, contradicts the notion of democracy that government education has been brainwashing our children with for the better part of the past century and the phrase, “one nation under God”, has even been declared unconstitutional by a robed dictator.

Students in government schools are now being taught the virtues of “Heather’s Two Mommies” and “Daddy’s New Roomate”, but are forbidden to recite the Lord’s Prayer.

Those who were once considered great icons of American history and held in high esteem by every schoolchild for their heroic acts of bravery, loyalty to country and self-sacrifice are, today, being regarded as villians for no other reason than living in a society as it was two centuries ago.

Across the nation, various public school systems have been renaming some of their schools to reflect a re-written version of history. The most notable of these changes was for the George Washington Elementary School, in New Orleans. According to the New Orleans School Board, the school’s name was changed because the board opposes “retaining the names of schools named for former slave owners or others who did not respect equal opportunity for all.”

So now, the father of our country, the Commander of the Continental Army who led the country to victory in the American Revolution and the first President of our once great nation, has been stripped of his place in history by a city’s public school board.

Here, in the Commonwealth of Virginia, the city of Richmond has placated the demands for political correctness by removing the image of Robert E. Lee from a public mural after the mural was desecrated with anti-white racial epithets and ultimately firebombed.

In a further act of appeasement, the city of Richmond has also decided to remove the names of two Confederate leaders from local bridges and rename them after civil rights leaders. The First Street bridge, once named for J.E.B. Stuart, will be renamed after civil rights lawyer Samuel W. Tucker. The Fifth Street bridge, previously named for Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson, will be renamed for civil rights activist Curtis Holt Sr.

Following the disaster of “9-11”, serious consideration was given to alter a statue commemorating the raising of the American Flag by three firefighters amidst the rubble of the World Trade Center to reflect an ideological worldview rather than an historical event.

Americans have sat by and passively watched as their heritage and history has been vilified, dismantled piece-by-piece and re-written to satisfy the demands of those who have annointed themselves as an Orwellian “Ministry of Truth”, ever vigilant against any historical footnote that is not compatable with their vision of a collectivist utopia.

The good news is that more and more Americans are starting to experience the same distaste with political correctness, as they experienced upon learning of the Taliban’s attempt to re-write history with the wanton destruction of Afghanistan’s historical landmarks and artifacts.

George C. Collinsworth

A liberal’s worst nightmare; A redneck with both a library card and a concealed-carry permit.

Dear Georgiekins:

I am one of “your” children. My parents were baby boomers. Contrary to your masturbatory intellectual delusions, we are hip to the stupidity that is political correctness. Indeed, it is YOUR generation that we hold responsible entirely for it. Likewise, it is YOUR generation that is implementing all this PC crap that we have to put up with.

Don’t worry, when you boomers are all doddering away in the home, we Xers, Nexters, and whatever-is-after-thaters, will try to clean up after you. At least we have the example from your generation as to what kind of a miserable mess one gets from trying to impose utopia from the top down.

Far more serious than political correctness, I think, is hysterical hyperbole.

A “robed dictator” declared the Pledge unconstitutional?

Good grief. I am a member of the Knights of Columbus, the group most responsible for championing the inclusion in the Pledge of “under God,” and I am chafing at this ridiculous excess. The Pledge is constitutional; at most, the “dictator” affected only one federal circuit court.

Even if nine “robed dictators” were to agree, we have the power of a constitutional amendment if we wish to change that. The “dictator” has the powers given under law - and they are not that vast. He may only interpret the law. In the face of a law with plain meaning, and no ambiguity, he is powerless.

So let’s lose this “dictator” business, shall we?

  • Rick

My two cents:

The Pledge of Allegience is an overrated bit of fluff. I don’t believe anyone has stopped reciting it over the phrase “to the Republic for which it stands”. I find it puzzling that you bemoan “government education brainwashing our children” but you seem to think it ok to force them to recite the pledge. The bit about “Under God” IS unconstitutional and the “robed dictator” made the correct ruling.

The Lord’s Prayer is a Christian prayer and to recite it in school would be a state endorsement of a particular religion. If it is so important that your children say it, you have about 16 hours per day when they aren’t in school to pray with them. Or find a private school.

I agree with the bit about castigating historical figures for the sins of living in different eras, and for the nuttiness in condemning George Washington.

Confederate leaders were outlaws and guilty of heinous treason. To honor them today is madness.

I agree with the bit about the WTC memorial and the silly attempt to make the statue racially diverse.

I don’t see what any of this has to do with the Taliban’s wanton destruction of religous statues. People of reason were appalled by this act. Your point?

Finally, liberals aren’t afraid of rednecks with a library card. We know that if you actually use it and read, you won’t be a redneck anymore!

I haven’t heard that “…to the republic…” has been removed from the pledge, nor that the pledge itself has “all but vanished.” As far as the “under God” part, I am a Boomer myself and remember when that was ADDED. Apparently the nation got along quite well without that phrase for decades and was added in the '50s to distinguish us from the godless Communists.

I won’t comment on most of the rest of your diatribe, but suffice it to say that NO ONE is forbidden to pray in school, using the Lord’s Prayer or any other. What is NOT permitted is to require someone ELSE to pray. This is one of the most widespread canards for the last several decades. The pastor of the church I attended at the time that ruling came into effect said he thought it was a good thing. “You don’t teach religion,” he said to the public schools, “and I don’t teach algebra.” Incidentally, Dogface, this was also in the '50s, when the generation you are criticizing was in elementary school.

I also fail to see how the change of the name of an elementary school causes Washington to be “stripped of his place in history.”

All generalizations are bad. Including this one.

Georgy Porgy, that’s a load of junk. Political correctness is too much, but the pledge is a load of junk by itself. It was written as an ode to America as a much more balanced comment - if you’ve ever seen the original. The Knights of Columbus are why it’s said throughout schools today, they decided it would show those damn dirty Commies. And we ALL know that if you pledge loyalty to something - especially a piece of frickin’ cloth - that makes you a better person. If we’d spent the minutes we all wasted reciting a pledge working to improve the country, the world, or at least we, would be better off. But reciting a loyalty oath is pointless.
And you know what else, Mr. I Decide What’s Run Amok? I’m an atheist and very much disliked having to sit through that junk. (And I did sit, once I realized I was legally allowed to do so - a fact nobody made much of an effort to inform me, and one some teachers didn’t seem to be aware of.) The issue is that schools, as part of the state, shouldn’t be promoting religion. Not A religion, although it’s clearly Judeo/Christian, but religion at all. (Now go ahead and tell me that god has nothing to do with religion.)
Keep tilting at those godless Communist windmills.

Don’t content-freee rants belong in the BBQ Pit?

No one has ever removed the PoF because the “republic” phrase was in conflict with some notion of “democracy.”

The Lord’s Prayer (and other impositions of Protestant Christianity) were removed long before the “PC” movement, because they did, indeed, violate the priniciple of the government not establishing religion.

The renaming issue might be considered “PC,” but it is no more “PC” than the similar efforts to remove “unpatriotic” names or to insert supposedly patriotic names that occurred from the 1920s through the 1950s.

The WTC statue was an actual PC event–your first truly correct call in eleven paragraphs.

Actually, we have always lived with “ministries of truth.” It would appear that most of your complaints are simply that someone else’s recognition of truth conflicts with what you desired to be called true.

The reality is that our “heritage and history” is there for inspection by all, but that our children rarely see it in the schools because the extremists on both the Left and Right prevent any history from being presented that is not watered down to the point of mush.

Adding “under god” was an act of political correctness. The people who added it SAID SO.

I’m a big opponent of revisionist history too. Unfortunately, a lot of what is taught to kids IS revisionist history. I have no love for people who have an agenda to attack historical figures instead of simply describe them: but I’m just as unhappy about those that make the founders, Washington included, into Greecian gods, above politics, above graft and dirty tricks. That doesn’t save their reuptations: it makes them BORING.

Oh, irony. Complaining about re-writting history by removing the phrase “under god” from the pledge. Some people do have such a terribly naive view of history…

An accurate statement.

A number of years ago, at Christmas dinner with my conservative Christian in-laws, one of my wife’s relatives suggested to another that all the faggots should be rounded up and deported. Nobody blinked an eye. But when I objected, people acted as if I’d drooled gravy all over myself.

Now, you tell me what was ‘politically correct’ in that environment.


MSU 1978:

Am I the only one who finds this inredibly simplistic and ignorant? Please search one of the MANY civil war threads here in GD for some info. Sheesh, what are they (not) teaching up in Lansing these days? [sorry, /hijack]


I know political pull goes a long way and all, but GWB went to Yale… I imagine he had to visit the library once or twice, and he still looks like a redneck to me.

H’uh? The Knights of Columbus added it?

How so-my dad was a Knight of Columbus at one point-we still get the magazine.


You can pray all you want in school-you just can’t make ME pray!


Knights of Columbus champion “under God” in Pledge adding it long after its original creation, in 1954. (Adobe Acrobat reader required.)

Knights of Columbus champion “under God” in Pledge, (HTLM version).

(And, of course, no mention is made of trying to separate “Godly America” from “godless communism,” although most longer versions of the story note that historically inaccurate point.)

Thanks, tomndebb.

“Heather’s Two Mommies” addresses something that exists, and the Lord’s Prayer does not. Made-up stuff does not belong in public schools.

While I totally dislike political correctness, I also dislike having kids recite a pledge of allegiance, because - being kids - they are too young to think about it and say “ok, I am going to do this, because I want to” or “No, this is not my cup of tea, thanks a lot, but I’ll pass.”. In short, I don’t believe in forcing any views - irrespective of those views being benign or evil - on kids. I’d prefer to offer children knowledge and - because I can’t avoid this as a human being - an opinion or two. But having everyone cite the pledge of allegiance? Definitely not my cup of tea.

The excuse that people in the past did something - from our modern perspective - that was wrong, because it was a sign of the times, doesn’t fly with me either.
“What was just yesterday, can’t be unjust today!” is an often heard excuse, but it’s been dismissed by courts throughout the world and history. Sorry, you lucked out on that one.

It’s ok to praise Washington (or any other person for that matter) for his good traits, but if at all possible, do so without excusing bad things.

Bravo! In a democracy, the most important thing to teach is that the government must EARN its patriots.

Razorsharp calling himself Razorsharp reminds of Fox News claiming that they are “fair and balanced”. :wink:

>In a further act of appeasement, the city of Richmond has also decided to remove the names of two Confederate leaders from local bridges and rename them after civil rights leaders. The First Street bridge, once named for J.E.B. Stuart, will be renamed after civil rights lawyer Samuel W. Tucker. The Fifth Street bridge, previously named for Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson, will be renamed for civil rights activist Curtis Holt Sr.<

Such acts only breed more of the hate that they claim to be fighting.