Poll: do you make your bed?

That if my concern was pet hair on the sheets, I’d just close the door. I do close the door. My Girl has her nest for when I’m at work, a rather nice one, too.

Once a week on laundry day.

A former step mother got on my case for not making the bed when I was staying in their spare bedroom.

Evil Stepmother: “How can you go to sleep in a unmade bed”

NFM: “Do you re-make the bed if you get up in the middle of the night and go the bathroom, and if not, how do you go back to sleep”

Oh, great. Imaginary beds…

I bet that was received well.

Bed? Oh, that thing in the other room. Most of the time, I end up passing out in my recliner.

Please, please, please tell me that either you are joking, or you live on a sheep ranch and the dog(s) live with the sheep.

Those stoopit decorative pillows, which make the reproductive rate of rabbits look positively glacial. The house is not currently for sale, nor is it going to be photographed for a magazine. What, othe than to waste time, is the purpose of putting them on in the morning only to take them off at night? :smack:

I sleep with the lightest covering the season will allow. In the summer, that’s a well worn, thin blanket that I “liberated” from a hospital many years ago (to give you an ideas of how light it was to begin with). I think the last time I used the comforter was a few years ago on a winter night I had to limp thru when the heater broke & the house was in the lower 50°s. She liked to sleep under the comforter & use it as a bedspread.

Anyone got the secret of getting the sheets and duvet cover dry in such a way that they don’t need ironing?

I voted choice 2 as the least wrong.

The second person out of bed always, and I do mean always, rearranges things the way we like it. Which is top covers & blankets neatly folded down halfway exposing almost all the parts we touch so they’ll air out. And pillows are uncrumpled and set upright again to better air.

At bedtime the first person in will raise all the sheets, blankets, and pillows to the typical neat arrangement then crawl in their side.

We use oversized sheets & blankets and don’t tuck in the sides at all. There’s enough hanging down on each side to keep that tucked-in feeling without any actual tucking-in effort.

So overall we keep things neat and spend the effort 2x/day to deliberately arrange things, but a traditional homemaker would insist our bed was never properly made at all.

I made my bed (every morning) before leaving for school. My mom insisted that I did.

Continued making my bed for a few years after getting my own apartment. At some point getting to work on time became more important. I probably was about 23 when I quit making the bed. It wastes too much time in the mornings.

It takes me about 5 seconds to make my bed in the morning, and about 2 seconds to pull the covers back and slide in at night. Not exactly a big time waster. Granted I don’t have a bunch of pillows and blankets and such, just a sheet, comforter, and 2 normal pillows. But if you have a bunch of stuff on your bed that would make it even messier if you didn’t make it.

I never make the bed and have fewer mitesbecause of it! :smiley:

I have a top sheet and a duvet and give them a quick flick to tidy them up right before climbing in for the night.

I’m so glad at least one person in the universe thinks the way I do.

I watch a lot of decluttering/cleaning videos (yes, it does help me get going with my own decluttering issues) but these dozens of pillows on every bed - what on earth for? The only place I could put them, should I choose to follow this ridiculous trend, is on the floor.

I follow the Jim Gaffigan logic: “My wife asked me why I never make the bed. I said, ‘For the same reason I don’t tie my shoes after I take them off.’”

We have a bed making fairy in the house, I go to the bathroom and when I come back the bed is made, curtains drawn and the window is open, fantastic

Ah, I see. Well, no, I don’t, I don’t get all those little pillows, either.

But the easiest & quickest way to may up a bed to look nice is keeping a set of pillows that you never actually sleep on in matching shams.

I pull up the sheet and comforter, yes. Helps keep the cats from burrowing into the bed. The I fluff the pillows a bit. It doesn’t even take 2 minutes. (Having grown up with regular bedspreads, I love duvets. So easy to use.)

The Feline Overlords generally sleep on the end of the bed, on a special huge bath towel. It’s easier to wash the bath towel than to get the cat hair off the comforter.

Yes, of the “casually” variety.

  1. the sheets and comforter end up unevenly distributed between us if the bed isn’t returned to a neutral state every day
  2. the pets. Yes, they get on the bed, and no, I don’t want any more hair and general detritus under the sheet with me than I can help.

I do all the proper tucking and smoothing and pillow plumping when the sheets are changed. Between changes, the dog takes care of his 2/3rds of the covers and I try to match his bed making skills.:rolleyes:

Neither. I live in suburban Melbourne and the dog has the back yard. He has multiple choices of places to sleep and shelter depending on the weather, which doesn’t get anywhere near as cold as the nothern part of the USA.

I’ve had a few dogs over the decades but never any allowed in the house.